Chapter 24

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The aura around Stiles changed as soon as they entered his bedroom and shut the door behind them.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked softly, watching Stiles.

"You're seriously asking me that?" Stiles gave Derek an incredulous look.

Derek frowned. "What do you mean?"

"What do you—" Stiles stopped and sighed again, trying to calm himself down. "Don't tell me you wouldn't be freaking out if you were suddenly told all of this?"

'Ah. The shock's worn off.'

"Everything I've been told has changed everything I believed before. Why the hell am I just learning about my actual family history now? And not to mention, what did Cadence want with me and why did she keep me drugged up?! Why can't I do magic?! Why did Scott treat me so horribly?! What the hell is happening to me?!" Stiles exclaimed as his voice got louder and louder, his breathing starting to get frantic.

'Shit, he's having a panic attack.'

"Stiles." Derek said softly and reached out, making sure Stiles was looking at him as he gently grabbed his hands. "Breathe, Stiles, breathe. Deep breaths. Follow what I'm doing." He said softly and placed Stiles' hands on his chest. Stiles swallowed and managed to slowly mimic Derek's breathing patterns. Once he started to calm down, Derek drew him into his arms and began rubbing his back to aid him. "That's it. Deep breaths." He said softly, kissing Stiles' forehead.

"I'm sorry." Stiles whispered, sounding awfully close to tears.

"For what?" Derek asked as he guided Stiles over to the bed.

"It's just, this is all so overwhelming. I don't know what to make sense of and it's so fucking confusing. I took it out on you." Stiles wiped his cheeks as they sat down.

Derek watched Stiles and softly inhaled before gently gripping his chin and made Stiles look at him. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Stiles. I understand."

"You do?" Stiles sniffled.

Derek nodded as he wiped some more tears off his face. "I do. Things have changed a lot for you in such a small amount of time. It will be confusing. But you're not alone in this. I'm here for you, the others are here for you. You're not alone, baby."

Stiles sniffled again and nodded, burying his face in Derek's neck. Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles and laid down, comforting his lover. "I just wish Dad had told me earlier."

"I know. But he was just trying to protect you. He didn't want you to get hurt and anticipate for something that might not have happened like he experienced." Derek's voice was gentle. "Doesn't mean it was necessarily a good choice but he was doing his best to keep you safe."

"I know." Stiles sighed. "I don't know how I'm going to do this. I'm now the protector of the pack magic wise. That's a huge fucking task."

"I'm not going to lie, it will be a lot to manage."

"Thanks." Stiles' voice dripped with sarcasm.

Derek gave him a look. "But, as I keep saying, we'll help you."

"My world just keeps expanding with you lot, doesn't it?"

Derek chuckled. "But you wouldn't want it any other way." He teased.

Stiles grinned and leaned up to kiss Derek. "You're right." He said softly. "Can we just cuddle?"

"Of course." Derek said softly. "How about you get comfortable and I'll grab us some snacks?"

Stiles nodded. He didn't move straight away, wanting to cuddle with Derek a little bit longer before he eventually got up and headed into the bathroom. Derek got up and headed downstairs.

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