Chapter 39

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Stiles' eyes slowly fluttered open to a softly lit room and wrapped up in soft sheets with warm blankets and a warm body. He made a soft noise and snuggled further into the warmth, yawning softly.

"Awake now?" A familiar voice asked in a comforting manner. Stiles opened his eyes to see his wonderful boyfriend regarding him with a loving gaze.

"Mhm." Stiles said softly and snuggled into Derek more. "What happened? All I remember is killing Paige and then nothing."

"Well, you did pass out for a few hours. You used a lot of magic to kill her." Derek kept his voice soft as he brought a hand up to gently massage Stiles' scalp.

"I did, didn't I?" Stiles sighed. "She's really dead?" He looked up at Derek.

Derek nodded. "She's really dead. You stopped her." He kissed Stiles' forehead.

Stiles nodded, letting his gaze fall as his head rested back on Derek's shoulder. "It had to be done. She wouldn't have stopped until she had you. She would have killed the rest of us."

"I know. Deaton told us the history. Crazy, isn't it?"

Stiles nodded. "Yup. Definitely crazy." Silence settled over then for a few minutes as they enjoyed each other's company. "Something happened to me. When she killed me."

"What?" Derek asked with a frown.

"I saw my mom. And your parents, Laura." Stiles looked up at Derek again. "We were at a beach house. I think it was your family's beach house."

Derek froze. "What do you mean?" He asked quietly.

"I mean, I saw your parents, Derek." He sat up, Derek following. "I saw your sister. I actually interacted with them. I talked to them. Mom said it was in a place called the Shadow Realm, something only Lupinears and the dead can easily access. I was just as shocked as you are when I saw all of them. But they explained the history and about my bloodline. About where you came from. They also told me how Nosferatus, Lupinears and Hales have been intertwined with each other since the first generations. That we were destined to be mates. True mates."

Derek was silent for a few minutes, quietly processing. He eventually spoke up. "How were they?"

"They're good. They're doing well. They're all extremely proud of you. They're so proud of who you've become."

Derek slowly nodded and stared into space, his face becoming vacant. "I miss them." His muffled voice was vulnerable and soft.

"I know." Stiles leaned forward to draw Derek into a hug and ran a hand through his hair. "They miss you, too."

Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles and buried his face in his neck. "Do you think you'll be able to access it again?" Stiles could hear the hope.

"Yeah. Mom said I can access it any time I want. And I can bring people with me." Stiles smiled. "I can bring you with me."

Derek pulled back and looked at Stiles with a small smile and his eyes full of love. Stiles felt his heart swoon as Derek revered him in such an amorous gaze. How he had managed to score Derek as his mate, he had no idea regardless of fate but he was extremely thankful. Derek kissed the side of Stiles' head before he pulled him down onto his chest when he laid back. "The others will want to talk to you."

"I suppose it's time to get up, then." Stiles sighed. With Derek's help, he managed to get out of bed and slowly descend the stairs. They walked into the living room where Stiles was bombarded with hugs. He chuckled, smiling widely from the affection. "I'm alright, I'm alright! I promise!"

"Don't ever do that again." Scott said sternly, cupping his best friend's face before hugging him tightly after the others let go of Stiles.

"Can't promise I won't but I'll be stronger next time." Stiles shrugged in response.

"I'll take it." Scott sighed. "There's someone here for you." He pulled away and Stiles' father took his place. Stiles hugged him tightly, closing his eyes in relief.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said quietly as he buried his face in his father's neck, silent tears falling.

Noah ran a hand through his son's hair to comfort him. "I'm glad you're okay, too." They stayed like that for a little while before they eventually pulled away. The pack then settled down, including Peter.

"So, Paige is dead?" Corey asked, looking to Stiles.

Stiles nodded in response. "Paige is dead. She won't be bothering any of us anymore."

"Good." Jackson sighed in a relaxed voice as he got comfortable. "Now we can relax."

"I'm glad you're alright, Stiles." Peter said, nodding to him. Stiles smiled and nodded back.

"How about we have a pack night and watch some movies?" Stiles suggested. There was a round of confirmation as soon as Stiles said that.

The pack settled into a peaceful night and relaxed after the events they had just gone through. It felt good to finally get a break and have time to themselves. Stiles, in particular, had had enough kidnappings to last him a lifetime.

"I love you." Derek whispered in Stiles' ear; his arms around him as he sat on Derek's lap.

Stiles smiled and turned his head to kiss Derek's cheek. "I love you, too."

Theysettled down as the first movie began to play, dinner ordered and already onthe way to the Hale house. Things were finally going to go back to beingpeaceful now.

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