Chapter 21

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'Ugh, that feels so much better.' Stiles thought to himself after he had his shower. He definitely felt much more refreshed, like the events of the past few days had been washed off of him. He ran a towel through his hair after drying off and dressing in some clean clothes.

He walked out of the bathroom after placing the towel in the laundry basket and headed into his room to grab a hoodie and slipped it on before making his way downstairs. He smiled as he descended at hearing Derek and his father laughing. 'Good, they're getting along.' He thought happily.

"Morning." Stiles said as he walked into the living room. Noah looked up and immediately rushed over to his son, embracing him in a tight hug. "Ow, Dad, that hurts." Stiles grunted out.

"Shush, let me hug my son." Noah mumbled. His voice was soft, as if he was afraid that Stiles was just an illusion. Stiles relented and leaned into the hug. He closed his eyes and reciprocated it by wrapping his own arms around Noah.

"I missed you, too, Dad." Stiles said softly, smiling a little.

"I'm glad you're safe." Noah responded and after a few moments, he pulled away. "Come eat." He said and pulled his son into the kitchen. Derek followed them.

"Is that a suggestion or an order?" Stiles grinned as he sat down at the table next to Derek who gave him a kiss on the cheek as a greeting.

"I think you know which one it is." Noah chuckled as he walked over with three plates of food and set two down in front of Stiles and Derek. Once Noah sat down with his plate, Stiles immediately picked up his cutlery and began eating. They all began engaging in small talk while they ate, enjoying the domesticity of their surroundings.

Soon after breakfast was finished, Derek and Stiles curled up on the sofa with Stiles happily situated in Derek's arms as they talked about little things when Noah joined them, sitting in his chair. "I'll be heading to work in an hour so I want you with Derek all day."

Stiles blinked. "Why?" He asked curiously.

"Because I want you safe. My nerves won't be able to take it." Noah said. "So, I want you with Derek at all times and I want you to stay close to the pack."

Stiles nodded. "Okay. I'll stay with him. I'll be safe, Dad, I promise."

"Good." Noah nodded and sat back in the armchair, properly relaxing.

"We should get going." Derek said to Stiles.

Stiles nodded and got up, stretching. "Yeah, we should. I'll see you later, Dad." Stiles hugged his father.

"Be safe, boys." Noah said to the both of them as they left the house and got into Derek's car.

Stiles took a deep breath, seemingly staring at the glove box as he settled into the passenger seat.

"You okay?" Derek asked, his voice taking on a slightly worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm just...... nervous, I guess." Stiles said. 'And scared. And anxious. And worried. And a whole lot of other bad emotions.'

Derek reached over and took hold of one of Stiles' hands, lacing their fingers together. "I'm here." He said softly and gave Stiles a soft smile. "You can do this."

Stiles smiled more and leaned over to kiss Derek softly. "I'm glad you are. Let's go see Deaton."

Derek nodded and began the drive to the clinic, a comfortable silence settling over the two. It only took a few minutes before they arrived and they both exited the car. Stiles made his way over to Derek and took hold of his hand, practically attaching himself to the older wolf as they walked to the door.

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