Chapter 32

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It had been a tough couple of weeks as Stiles slowly progressed with his powers. Thankfully, whatever threats they were dealing with before hadn't caused any more attacks, allowing for Stiles and the pack to train. The pack had been extremely grateful for that.

"Well done, Stiles. You've gained far more control than you realise. You've come a long way since you started." Deaton smiled as Stiles conjured fire out of thin air and kept the flames controlled to a particular part of the tree he had been practicing on. He had encased that part in flames without them actually touching the wood so no scorch marks would be seen.

"I've gotten much better at it." Stiles grinned as he doused the flames.

"Mm, you have." Deaton nodded in agreement. "I think you're good to start training on your own now. Has the book been helping?"

"It's been so much help." Stiles smiled. "It's shown me where I can improve on certain things. The tips you've given along with the book has been very helpful.

"Good. Keep it close and safe. I cannot stress that enough."

"I've gotten good at protective bindings so I've been putting bindings only I can unlock on it at night."

"Well done. That's impressive." Deaton smiled. "I've gotta get back to the clinic so I'll see you all later." He got in his car and left the property.

"You've done well, Stiles." Malia grinned at him. "You're really growing into your powers."

"Thanks. I've never felt so strong before." Stiles grinned back at her. His smile widened when Derek wrapped his arms around his waist. He turned his head to meet Derek and kissed him.

"I'm proud of you." Derek said softly. Stiles beamed with happiness and kissed Derek again.

The sound of a car engine filtered through the trees, sounding faint before it got louder coming closer to the house. Once it broke the treeline, Noah's police car appeared and parked near the other cars. The pack waved in greeting when he got out. "How'd the training session go?"

"It was good! Deaton reckons I'm strong enough to train on my own now. He says I've gotten really strong now."

"He's right." Isaac added in. "You have."

Stiles blushed a little from all the compliments and smiled shyly but gratefully at Isaac.

"I'm really proud of you, Stiles." Noah said softly. The proud smile his father sported made Stiles feel that much more supported. "Now. I did say I would barbeque tonight. Why don't I get started?"

A chorus of cheers sounded from the pack. Noah always did the best barbeque.

"Let's go." Stiles smiled and took hold of his boyfriend's hand and headed into the backyard, the rest of them following. There was a multitude of seating arrangements laid out for people to choose where they wanted to sit as well as an area set up for the barbeque to be done. Derek had really gone all the way when he had the house rebuilt.

 Derek had really gone all the way when he had the house rebuilt

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