Chapter 14

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Stiles swung their interlocked hands as they meandered their way into the kitchen, his father nowhere in sight. It seemed he had gone to work after Cora stopped by again. Derek opted for making something for Stiles instead of him getting some of the snacks he had in the cupboard, wanting to show off his culinary skills a little more so, Stiles sat at the table and watched his boyfriend roam around the kitchen. It was peaceful, especially for Stiles, watching Derek cook. Soon, Derek set a plate down in front of Stiles and a plate for himself and sat beside the younger one.

Stiles began to eat, humming in delight. "This tastes amazing." He beamed at Derek.

"Good, I'd be worried if it didn't." Derek chuckled and leaned over to kiss Stiles' cheek before he began eating as well.

They spent the majority of their meal talking about random things again, continuing their earlier conversation before he had to go. They cleaned up after they were done and settled on the sofa cuddled up to each other and watched TV. They did end up playing some games here and there, leaving Stiles to be very surprised at how good Derek was at video games. All in all, they enjoyed each other's comfort.

'I'm so fucking glad I started that flour fight.' Stiles thought to himself as they settled into a comfortable silence after putting a movie on and began to think about the memories, getting lost in them.

Derek noticed Stiles wander off in his thoughts and smiled, poking his cheek to get his attention. "What are you thinking about?" He asked in an amused, soft tone when he succeeded in securing his lover's attention.

Stiles giggled softly and swatted Derek's hand away playfully. "Just thinking about how it was worth it starting that flour fight." He grinned.

Derek laughed and kissed Stiles softly. "Might not have made a move on you if you hadn't."

Stiles beamed at Derek again, pure happiness shining on his face. "You may not have made it then if I hadn't but I think there would have been another time where you thought it was the perfect opportunity."

"Probably." Derek nodded. "Somehow you have made me crazy about you." His gaze held Stiles'. Stiles couldn't help the blush and leaned forward, kissing Derek.

Both of them relaxed into the kiss and enjoyed the laziness behind it. They didn't feel the need to turn the passion up and become more rough, they were enjoying the sweetness. Derek lifted Stiles into his lap and held him close, content to not go further lest he invoke Noah's wrath. There was a warmth between them, a cozy warmth, as they slowly kissed. But, alas, it seemed as though a switch flicked and that warmth soon began to heat up and it grew more and more intense between the two.

Derek eventually laid Stiles down, hovering over him as they resumed their kisses. Stiles wrapped an arm around Derek's neck to keep his boyfriend close. As soon as the kisses resumed, that passion remained, slowly developing into something more (logic had long since made its way out the door in Derek's mind so he wasn't thinking much about Noah's rules now). Out of nowhere, they heard someone clear their throat. They immediately split up, prepared to face Noah only to see Isaac standing in the living room with his arms folded over his chest.

"Well............" Stiles began, clearing his own throat as an embarrassed blush crept up on his cheeks. "This is awkward." He said shyly, looking anywhere but Isaac.

"So," Isaac began, taking a seat. "How long has this been going on? And who knows about you two?"

Derek shifted so he was sitting up and Stiles followed, making himself comfortable by draping himself against Derek's side. Derek wrapped an arm around him, letting his hand rest on Stiles' hip. Derek was clearly more comfortable being open about their relationship in front of Isaac and Stiles was definitely grateful for it. He relaxed into Derek with a soft smile and looked at Isaac.

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