Chapter 23

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"So, did you go see Deaton?" Scott asked Stiles after the pack had finished discussing the important matters.

"Yeah, I did. Turns out I'm a druid." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "A wolf druid, specifically. And I have access to all kinds of magic so it's not just one particular branch I can do."

"Really?" Isaac asked. Stiles nodded, looking over at him. "Can you show us?"

Stiles froze. Could he? "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and see if I actually can." He took a deep breath and let it out as he looked at his hand. It may have been cliché but it was the only thing Stiles could think of. He clicked his fingers together, hoping some sort of magic would show up in his palm.

Nothing happened.

Stiles blinked, staring at his hand. "Well, that was anticlimactic." He sighed and let his hand drop.

"You've just learned about your powers. It's going to take a little while for you to be able to use them and master control. It took a while for me." Lydia said softly.

Corey nodded. "It was the same for me. It took a little while for me to master my abilities."

"And it's the same for the rest of us. It'll take a little while to get control but we'll be there to help you." Derek said softly, giving Stiles a soft squeeze. Stiles smiled a little and nuzzled him, sighing happily at being wrapped in Derek's warm embrace.

"I have no idea what happens next." Stiles looked back at Scott. "What happened to Cadence? And her pack?"

The room went silent and each pack member glanced at each other. Stiles frowned as the atmosphere changed. He looked at Derek with concern when his grip tightened on Stiles.

"They disbanded." Malia finally said, knowing Stiles needed an answer.

"What do you mean disbanded? How did they disband?" Stiles had picked up that something had happened and his curiously had piqued too much to be satisfied with that answer.

The rest of the pack looked amongst themselves with unsure looks before Derek got up and headed into the kitchen, abnormally quiet. Stiles frowned and quickly followed him. "Derek, what happened?"

"I killed her." He said quietly, his back facing Stiles as he rested his hands on the counter and leaned against it.

Stiles froze. "You killed her?"

Derek nodded. "She was going to use you and kill you. I couldn't let that happen. We couldn't let that happen." He turned around to face Stiles. And the expression he wore tore Stiles' heart up. It had turned to despair, similar to how it had been when they lost Boyd.

Stiles walked toward him and gently cupped Derek's face, gently massaging it. "I understand. You did what you had to do. You kept me safe, you all did. She was an awful person and would have hurt me more than she did if you hadn't." He explained. "I understand, Derek."

Derek rested his head against Stiles and closed his eyes. "I didn't think you'd say that." He whispered.

Stiles smiled a little. "Let me guess, you thought I'd view you in a different light?" Derek nodded. "I'd never do that. Unless you cheat on me. You'd never be able to step foot in this town."

Derek chuckled a little. "Your father would absolutely kill me."

Stiles grinned this time. "He absolutely would." He chuckled. "Feeling better?"

Derek nodded. "Much." He said and led Stiles back into the living room.

"Does that mean her pack's not an issue anymore?" Mason asked when the couple returned. He hadn't been there when the others had raided the Dread Doctor's lair.

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