Chapter 33

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"Did you two have fun?" Melissa asked as she, Scott, Malia and Chris left the Hale house with Chris driving the McCalls and Malia home. Melissa and Chris hadn't quite gotten around to moving in together as they still had some things to sort and talk through.

"Yeah, we did." Scott smiled. "It's been great to see Stiles get so much stronger."

"Yeah. I'm so proud of him." Malia agreed. "He's grown so much more confident in himself, too. It's been amazing to see."

"Wow. You two have come so far from when you were just kids, Scott." Melissa said, a reminiscent smile appearing.

Scott smiled softly. "Yeah, things have definitely changed." He said softly. He frowned when he started getting a faint smell of blood and gasoline.

"Scott, can you smell that?" Malia asked, looking at him.

Scott nodded. "Yeah, I can. Chris, slow down. We can smell blood and gas." Chris nodded and started to slow down as the smells got stronger.

They were all looking out the windows, trying to find what the source was. "What the hell happened?" Malia asked quietly, almost to herself. Then she suddenly gasped. "Stop!" She exclaimed. Chris slammed on his brakes and Malia was out of the vehicle in a split second and running in a certain direction.

Everyone else quickly followed her, wondering what she had seen. It didn't take more than a few steps before they saw the carnage that laid out in front of them. It was the sheriff's car, totalled on the passenger's side and missing a door. They couldn't see the other side and how bad the damage was due to the tree. Noah was slumped over the wheel, unconscious and barely breathing.

"Holy shit." Scott breathed out, staring at the wreck in shock.

"Quick, get Noah out!" Melissa instructed, crossing the last few steps between them and the car with the others beside her. They managed to carefully lift Noah out and laid him on the grass a little bit away from the car.

"Noah?! Noah, it's Melissa!" She urgently tapped his shoulder hard to get his attention. Noah groaned, indicating that he was still alive. "Oh, thank God, you're alive." She said as he started to regain consciousness. She began the checks, assessing the depth of his injuries.

"Noah, what happened?" Chris asked worriedly.

"I don't know........." He trailed off, his voice sleepy.

"Where's Stiles?" Scott asked, looking around worriedly. There was no sign of his best friend which increased his anxiety.

"I don't smell him anywhere near here. I can only smell his blood." Malia said. Fuck! If he's been taken again........."

"We need to look for him." Scott settled his gaze on her.

"First we need to get Noah to the hospital." Melissa looked at them. Scott nodded and helped lift Noah into the backseat with Melissa getting in beside him as Chris got back into the driver's side.

"We'll meet you there." Melissa said to the two of them.

Chris nodded. "Be safe. Whatever did this and took Stiles could still be out there."

Both werecreatures nodded and headed into the trees once the three adults took off. They kept an eye on the car as they ran close to it while scouring for Stiles. They got nothing as they got closer and closer to the hospital. They broke out of the treeline and joined Melissa and Chris as Noah was loaded onto a gurney and rushed into the hospital.

"Any sign of him?" Melissa asked anxiously.

They shook their heads. "No. Whatever took him is long gone." Scott sighed.

"Shit. This is the second time. Derek is going to go crazy." Malia sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Yeah, he and Stiles have become inseparable the last few weeks. Is Noah going to be okay?" Scott asked, anxious.

"I don't know. We'll have to wait until he's stable." Chris said softly. "You two head back to Derek's house, the others will still be there. Tell them what's happened." He tossed his car keys to Scott.

Scott nodded and got in the car with Malia and quickly drove back to Derek's house. It ended up being a pretty quick drive, mainly because Scott had gone well over the speed limit but no one was around to say or do anything. Once they arrived, they both jumped out of the car and ran to the door. Scott quickly unlocked it and they both entered.

"I thought you two were heading home." Jackson said with a frown, standing in the foyer.

"Stiles has been kidnapped; Noah's injured." Scott said as he rushed into the living room.

"What?!" Jackson exclaimed, following the couple.

"Scott, what's wrong?" Derek asked and stood, eying him.

"Stiles has been taken again." Scott spoke gravely. Derek's face fell but Scott continued. "Noah got injured but he seems to be okay, he may have a concussion but Stiles is gone. We don't know what happened."

Derek began pacing. "Did you get his scent?"

"No." Malia responded. "We didn't even get a scent of his blood except for where he and Noah crashed. Whatever took him covered his scent and somehow left no scent of theirs behind."

Mason swallowed. "Is it the other pack again?"

"No, we dismantled them, remember?" Liam said in response to Mason before looking at Derek and Scott. "What do we do?"

"We begin looking for him all over again." Scott sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he eyed Derek. "We'll find him, Derek."

"We better. I am not fucking losing him." He said quietly, a dark look swirling in his eyes.


Stiles groaned as he woke up to a pounding headache and another dark room. "Not again." He muttered. "At least I'm not chained up or bound this time." He patted his body and cursed when he couldn't find his phone. "Figures." He huffed. He stood up and looked around before he started to pat the walls, trying to find a light switch. He soon found it and flicked it, the fluorescent yellow blinking into existence. Stiles groaned and covered his eyes as he blinked rapidly to get used to the light.

He looked around and found himself in some type of bedroom. "Where the fuck am I?" He asked quietly, slowly turning in a circle to get used to the layout. He spotted a window and walked over to it. His expression clouded up with a mixture of concern and uneasiness when he couldn't see anything outside. It was like someone had put blackout curtains on the outside.

He looked away from the window and surveyed the room again, finding a door that hadn't been there before. He frowned and walked towards it and went to grasp the handle. He carefully placed his hand on it and waited to see if something in it would zap. Nothing happened as he fully gripped it and twisted it, pleasantly surprised when the door unlocked. He walked through it and came to a hallway, noting that the only door was the one he had just walked through. "Weird." He hummed as he looked around.

He noted a desk with an old telephone at the end of the hall and walked towards it. He touched it, feeling a strong pulse of magic. He frowned and turned to the stairs, heading down them. He came to another level which held three rooms. He discovered two were bedrooms and one was a bathroom. That made it easier to search them though they held nothing of importance.

Though, what Stiles found weird was that everywhere he touched, that pulse of magic remained. And it only got stronger and stronger as he finished exploring the current level and descended the stairs to the last level. He found another hallway at the foot of the staircase which led to different rooms. One door led to another bathroom, one led to the garage. The other two led to the kitchen and dining/living room.

Stiles chose the kitchen door first, looking around. This time, he didn't need to touch anything to feel the magic pulsing in the air. He slowly made his way through the kitchen, trying to find anything to help figure out where he was. He made his way through to the dining room and into the living room, still looking around. He froze when he saw who was standing in the middle of it.

"Hello, Stiles." Paige smirked evilly.

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