Chapter 9

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The corners of Derek's mouth further dipped into a smirk. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into." His voice was gleeful as he dipped his hand into the flour. It was a good thing Noah had bought more.

Hearing those words, Stiles brought up a smirk of his own. It seemed as though Derek was challenging him and who was Stiles if he didn't take it. "I think I do, Sourwolf."

Derek chuckled and shook his head in an amused way. He was still for a few seconds which made Stiles frown, breaking his guard, and therefore created an opening for Derek through his handful straight at Stiles' face. Stiles gasped, staring at Derek with a 'you bitch!' expression before he grabbed another handful and threw it back at the older wolf. This resulted in an all-out war as a flurry of flour was thrown around the room. After a few good tosses between the two, it ended with Derek pinning Stiles against him and smothering his hair in flour.

"Okay, okay! Truce!" Stiles laughed out, unintentionally relaxing into Derek as he looked at his front. Derek had gotten him good. Tufts of flour fell out from his head when he tipped it forward.

"I told you. You didn't know what you were getting yourself into." Derek rumbled softly in Stiles' ear, making the younger boy shiver.

"I guess you did." Stiles said shyly, turning his head around to look at Derek. He immediately giggled upon seeing Derek's face. Flour absolutely covered it from his chin to his hairline where it proceeded to mix and well and deep into his hair. Somehow, it had defined Derek's features even more.

"What?" Derek chuckled, smiling softly at Stiles.

"You've got flour all over your face and coated in your hair." He grinned.

"Well, you're no different!" Derek laughed. "You're absolutely covered in it." He smirked, raking his eyes up and down Stiles' body.

Stiles couldn't help the feeling of his cheeks inflaming. He certainly wouldn't mind Derek eyeing him up if he was naked.


Stiles quickly focused his thoughts back on the situation at hand. "Yeah, well, it didn't help that you absolutely smothered me in it!" He laughed, smiling up at Derek. Only then had he realised how easily he had settled into Derek's arms and just how comforting they were. They felt great wrapped around him, like they were meant to hold him.

"Yeah, I did. It was worth it." He smirked, eyeing Stiles up again. Stiles blushed a little more, still embarrassed by the possibility that Derek could actually be checking him out. When their eyes met again, there was an intensity that Stiles had never seen in the older man's eyes. He was intoxicating to look at, his eyes so captivating. It felt like Derek was seeing right into his soul in a way that no one else had done before. And Stiles let it happen. He let Derek see every part of him he kept so cleverly hidden.

Stiles didn't register it straight away but Derek had started to slowly lean in, moving his head closer to him. Stiles didn't stop it, he found himself not wanting to. Instead, he lifted his head up a little more and leaned in to meet Derek, their lips connecting. And by God, it was the best kiss Stiles ever had, excluding the significate taste of flour.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds, much to Stiles' disappointment, but Derek wasn't sure if he had encroached on a boundary Stiles didn't want to cross. They stared at each other, Derek checking to see if Stiles would yell at him and Stiles waiting for Derek to kiss him again. Another minute went by of no speaking and no movement so Stiles took matters into his own hands and turned in Derek's arms and pulled him closer before planting his mouth onto Derek's. Derek took the initiative and placed a hand on the back of Stiles' neck, gripping it which earned a soft moan from the younger one as Derek snaked the other firmly around Stiles' waist.

Stiles wrapped one arm around Derek's neck and rested the other on his chest with the connected hand cupping one of Derek's cheeks and they held each other in place as they kissed slowly, testing the waters with each other. Stiles smiled at the softness coming from the older wolf but he needed more. He needed the passion he hadn't known he craved. So, he decided to take things a little further and bit Derek's lower lip. The growl that emanated from the wolf sent a rush of tingles through Stiles.

He squeaked when Derek slipped his hands down Stiles' body to grip his thighs and picked Stiles up, placing him on the counter. Stiles blushed scarlet, getting another taste of just how strong Derek was to easily lift him up, and maintained that scarlet when the kisses started to turn rougher. Stiles didn't have one single complain as they did, happily cupping Derek's face with one hand and hooked his other arm around Derek's neck, bringing him closer.

Derek felt himself losing control of his wolf side and had to place both hands on the counter so he didn't scratch Stiles. When he felt his face start to transform, he pulled away from Stiles and tried to hide it away but Stiles wasn't having that. Stiles pulled his face back to face him and was surprised at the tender smile Stiles bore when their eyes met again.

"I love your eyes. They're beautiful." Stiles whispered, gazing into the electric blue. "Everything about you is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." Derek whispered back.

Stiles rolled his eyes playfully. "Shush, let me compliment you, Sourwolf." He chuckled.

Derek let out a soft chuckle as his wolf features started to slowly disappear. "You kissed me." He softly murmured after a few moments.

"You kissed me back." Stiles countered, growing slightly nervous.

"I did." Derek smirked, nodding. "So...... what does this mean?"

"What do you want it to mean?" Stiles bit his lip nervously.

"Well, given you've somehow managed to burrow your way into my heart and made a home in it." Derek spoke tenderly, leaving the sentence open for the unspoken words.

"You want to date me?" Stiles asked quietly, slightly shocked that Derek would even consider that.

"I do. I want to date you, Stiles. I want you." Derek's voice remained tender. Stiles smiled shyly, a beam of happiness shining in his eyes. This man had managed to make Stiles go shy and non-talkative a number of times. That was a first.

"Well, if you want a relationship, I wouldn't mind a relationship." Stiles mumbled shyly. Derek smiled more and leaned in, meeting Stiles' lips with his own. Stiles happily received the kiss and wrapped his arms around Derek's neck again.

They enjoyed the kisses for a few more moments when Derek suddenly pulled away. "Your dad's home." He said and pulled away from Stiles. Stiles whined but jumped off the counter and surveyed the damage in the room. And there was a lot of it.

"How the hell are we gonna clean this up?" He giggled and looked at Derek who smiled.

"I have no idea." He chuckled, also surveying the room.

"Well, I assume you have a change of clothes in your bag?"

Derek nodded. "I do. I had a feeling something would go wrong today." Before the boys could say something more, footsteps sounded and they turned to see Noah walk into the kitchen.

He paused, looking around the room with shock evident on his face and slowly looked at the boys. "What the hell happened here?"

"Uhm.......... I may or may not have started a flour fight with Derek." Stiles said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Noah was still for a few moments before he sighed and shook his head. "Why am I not surprised." He sighed. "Well, do you have a change of clothes, Derek?"

"Yeah, I brought a duffel with me in case something like this happened."

Noah nodded. "Well played. Go and have a shower first. Stiles, you're after. I'll clean up here and then you can go back to cooking." He said, a smile of amusement slowly appearing. "And by the way, if you're going to make out, you probably shouldn't have flour on your face. Makes it obvious. We'll be having a talk later, all three of us." Noah said in a totally non-threatening way.

Stiles groaned. "Dad, please don't scare him off." He begged.

"Just go and clean up, okay?" Noah gave Stiles his signature dad look.

"Fine, fine. Come on, Derek." Stiles sighed and took hold of Derek's hand and led him up to his bedroom.

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