Chapter 17

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Stiles woke up in an almost jet-black room. It was cold and damp and it made him shiver. He wrapped his arms around his torso and rubbed his hands up and down his sides to try and warm himself up. He looked around and tried to make out the layout of the room with the limited light and tried to stand but was met with an overwhelming dizziness that made everything spin, forcing him to slump back on the ground. He held his head as a powerful wave of pain made itself known.

"Oh, good, you're awake." A female voice suddenly sounded. Stiles then heard footsteps and immediately curled in on himself to try and protect him from whoever was walking. There was a click and Stiles waited, anxious if anything would happen to him.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity but was really only a few minutes, nothing seemed to happen. Stiles frowned and started to open his eyes. He immediately shut them when a bright light blinded his eyes. Footsteps sounded again and they didn't stop until they were very close to Stiles.

He slowly opened his eyes again and blinked rapidly to tolerate the bright fluorescents and slowly, his vision came into focus. When he was able to see clearly, he got the bearings of where he was. He also saw a set of heels standing beside his face. He slowly looked up and as he did, the lighting intensified.

The person then crouched beside him and cast their shadow over him. "I can tell you're struggling to get used to the light. This might be easier on you." They hummed.

"Where am I?" Stiles asked quietly, watching the woman with a wary look.

"Oh, honey." She ran a hand through Stiles' hair to smooth it over, almost like a mother fussing over her child's messy hair. "You shouldn't be focused on where you are." She chuckled. "You should be focused on what's going to happen to dear, old you."

Stiles visibly paled. "Cadence." He whispered quietly as realization dawned on him.

"Well done!" Cadence congratulated him in a patronizing tone. "What a smart boy you are! Too bad you have to die soon. See you, Stiles!" She sung in a sing-song voice and left the room.

Stiles was left panicking. He was still too weak to get up from the floor. Whatever they had injected him with was strong stuff and he hated it. He looked around the room now that there was light and his hope of making it out alive was dashed when all he saw were solid concrete walls. There was nothing that could aid his escape. He was doomed to be here until the pack found him. If they even were looking.

Derek yawned as he woke up and stretched while sleepily blinking and nuzzled a pillow. He inhaled a calming and familiar scent and sighed happily, beginning to pat around for the source of it. He frowned when his hand didn't come into contact with anything and opened his eyes, this time wide awake. He leaned on his elbow and sighed as he looked around the otherwise empty room.

'That's right.' He thought. Stiles wasn't there. 'We'll find you, Stiles. I promise.'

Derek looked at his phone when it bleeped and reached over on the night stand to pick it up. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the notification before he unlocked it and looked at his messages.

Scott: Pack meeting in twenty, at the Hale house.

Derek clicked his phone off and got up, picking out fresh clothes. He was extremely grateful that Cora had dropped off another bag for him. He'd at least get to shower at home before the meeting. He headed downstairs and groaned appreciatively at the smell of good food being cooked. He had no idea how hungry he was until his stomach growled loudly.

"I figured you might be hungry." Noah spoke from the kitchen doorway.

Derek blushed lightly and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I am." He said softly. "Smells good."

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