Chapter 26

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The day had been filled with Scott and Stiles playing many games and chatting away with each other, something they hadn't gotten to do in a long time. It was now late afternoon, around 4 pm. Stiles' father hadn't finished work yet and they'd received no messages from Derek so the two were enjoying the time together.

"And then she said 'Scott, you can't do that! You're gonna hurt yourself!' Turns out, she was right. Fell off the bike, got a few scratches but it was nothing I couldn't heal." Scott grinned.

Stiles laughed, shaking his head. "Why is that so typical of you? I'm not surprised Malia tried to stop you."

Scott laughed in response. "Yeah, she shares the same views as my mom, constantly worrying about if I'm going to hurt myself. Always wanting me to stop doing what she deems dangerous."

"Well, I kind of agree with her on that one, that was a particularly dangerous stunt you were trying to do."

Scott rolled his eyes playfully. "We get it, Mom."

Stiles gasped and picked up a cushion, whacking Scott playfully across the face. Scott stared at his best friend with a look of betrayal before recovering and grinned as he grabbed a cushion of his own and launched himself off the sofa. Stiles grinned as well and got up, immediately going on the defence. They both watched each other as they moved in a circle, waiting for the other to make the next move.

Scott ended up making it as he moved his hand holding the cushion slightly faster than Stiles could follow and landed a whack on his side. Stiles yelped a little and laughed before aiming his cushion and landed a hit on Scott's stomach. A lot of time passed as the boys continued their cushion fight. All they knew is they were both enjoying it.

Neither of them heard who came through the front door until a familiar pair of arms wrapped around Stiles and shielded him from Scott's oncoming attack.

"Aw, come on, no fair! I don't have a shield!" Scott playfully whined. Stiles chuckled and looked up to see the face of his protector and smiled when he saw Derek.

"My hero." He grinned and leaned up to kiss Derek who gladly accepted.

"Seems like you had a fun day." Derek said after they parted, smiling fondly.

"Yeah, it was actually pretty fun whooping his ass." Stiles grinned at Scott.

Scott laughed. "You wish! I was totally kicking yours." He grinned back.

"In your dreams!" Stiles laughed and threw his cushion at Scott which socked him in the face. Stiles laughed harder, grinning triumphantly.

Derek laughed as well and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I'm gonna go shower, I'll be back in a few." He said and headed for the stairs. Stiles smiled, watching him disappear up the stairs. He sat on the sofa, his eyes still lingering on the staircase as his head filled with thoughts with Derek.

"You seem really happy with him." Scott said as he sat down next to Stiles.

Stiles nodded, turning to face him. "I am. I haven't felt this way before with my previous relationships. With Malia, that was different. She was my first love. Lydia was the intense love. With Derek......... it feels unconditional. It feels true. I know we've only been dating for a few weeks but it feels like everything I've ever wanted in a relationship. He's so sweet and caring."

"Derek? Being sweet and caring? I need to see that." Scott smirked.

"Oh, shush. You know he can hear you, right?"

"Oh, I know." Scott chuckled. "Do you know why it feels unconditional? True?"

"I think because he's my mate. And I'm his."

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