Chapter 8

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Derek blinked slowly awake as the sun filtered through the curtains. There seemed to be more birds chirping this morning, singing a happier song and ultimately lifting Derek's mood. It was almost as if they could sense that Derek was going to have a good day. He groaned softly as he stretched out his muscles and made bones click and stared at his ceiling for a few minutes, taking some time for himself. He eventually picked up his phone to check the time and blinked in surprise when the screen read 12:00pm. He shrugged and laid back in bed before receiving a text from a certain someone.

Stiles: Hey, Wolfie, what time are you coming over? Dad's got fresh groceries

Derek stared at the text, an unimpressed look crossing over his face: Wolfie? Really?

Stiles: What, you prefer Sourwolf instead?

Derek rolled his eyes: I'll be there in 10-20 minutes

Stiles: Alright, see you soon, Sourwolf

Derek shook his head and got up, hunting through his drawers for some clean clothes and selected some that he didn't care too much about. He had a feeling that things would go horribly awry with Stiles in the kitchen so he had to be careful about what he wore, he did NOT want to ruin any of his good clothes. He quickly showered and dressed, making sure his hair was styled before putting some other clothes he didn't care about in a duffel bag and headed down the stairs. He set the bag by the door and grabbed his keys and patted about for his wallet.

"Going somewhere?" Cora asked, watching her brother from the entrance into the living room. Derek stopped and turned to her as his eyes travelled around her, looking and hearing for any sign of their devious uncle. "He's not here. He left early this morning. To where, I don't know."

Derek nodded and relaxed a little. "I'm going back to Stiles'. Noah asked me to teach him how to cook. I'm not exactly sure what's to be expected or how well things will go."

Cora smirked. "Well, I can tell you're happy about it." She chuckled. "Perhaps you're thinking it's a date? That something will perhaps happen?" She teased.

"Mm, I'm sure something will." Derek spoke with heavy sarcasm. "I don't know when I'll be back so don't wait up for me. I'll text you later."

Cora nodded. "Sounds good. I won't tell Peter either. He doesn't need any more fuel. I'll just tell him you're doing some things with Isaac."

"Thanks. I'll see you later, Cora." Derek picked up his bag and left the house. He put the bag on the backseat before climbing in the Camaro and set off his journey to Stiles'.

When Derek arrived, there was an empty space in the driveway. So, Noah was already at work. It made sense since it was now half twelve. He parked on the street, not wanting to get told off by the Sheriff for making him park on the street and got out and grabbed his bag before heading up the couple of stairs to the front door. He knocked on it, smiling to himself when he heard Stiles stumbling around before the door opened.

"Hey! Come on in, Dad's already at work." Stiles stepped to the side to let Derek in, sounding a little out of breath. Derek headed inside and took his shoes off as Stiles took his bag and followed him into the living room.

"Did he ask for you to learn anything in particular?"

Stiles shook his head, looking somewhat cuter than he had before. It may or may not have thawed Derek's heart just a little more. "Nope, he just wants me to learn anything. Which I find slightly redundant but that's my dad for ya."

Derek chuckled softly, smiling at Stiles. "Why am I not surprised?" He spoke fondly. "Cooking is important to learn, Stiles. You can't eat takeaways all the time." He headed into the kitchen. "What's something you two used to eat a lot of? A cuisine you both liked?"

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