Chapter 16

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It had taken Derek and Scott less than the usual 13-30 minutes it took to sprint to Stiles' house. Who could blame Derek, he was severely anxious about his mate's kidnapping. A part of him was wishfully thinking that nothing serious had happened to the teenager. Soon, they arrived at the Stilinski house and rushed into the open door.

Scott was quiet as he stood, leaning against a wall, and surveyed the room. He barely remembered the past few days and scarcely remembered the few interactions between him and Stiles. Whatever had happened at the Nemeton had severely fucked with his memories and for that Scott was slightly glad. He wasn't necessarily sure he wanted to remember how awful he had been to Stiles, from what Derek had told him. He was extremely grateful that Derek had stopped whatever was happening.

"Scott, you reek of guilt." Malia said quietly, standing beside him.

Scott sighed, eyes still trained on the room. "My best friend is missing and I barely remember anything to do with him or how I treated him over the last few days. I'm supposed to be his best friend and his alpha and I let this happen." He finally let his eyes meet hers.

"From what Derek was saying, it sounds like someone was using magic to mess with you." Malia spoke softly, a soft look painted on her beautiful features. "You didn't intend for this to happen. You weren't yourself; it wasn't your fault."

Scott smiled a little. Hearing what she said did make him feel somewhat better but those words weren't enough. "I'll feel better once we find him and get him back. He's too important for us to lose."

Malia nodded. "We'll find him." She kissed his cheek. "But right now, we need you to step up and be the alpha I know you are. We need to make a plan to find him."

Scott nodded and took a deep breath before he re-observed the pack and stepped forward. All eyes drifted to him as a silence fell. "Has everyone gotten the scents?" All the werecreatures nodded. "Good. We'll be heading out soon to try and track the pack and find Stiles. Don't let anyone get in our way. He's our top priority, just like he was when the Nogitsune possessed him."

"Why do you care now?" Isaac asked, looking at Scott with a slight glare.

"I've always cared. He's my best friend." Scott looked at Isaac. Though that probably wouldn't earn him any brownie points after the past couple of weeks.

"But you didn't act like that in the past few days." Isaac countered. Scott sighed and looked away, keeping quiet.

"Isaac, we told you what happened." Derek spoke up, stepping in for Scott.

"But how do we know that's true? It could be some bullshit story he made up!"

"It's not, Isaac. Would we ever lie to you?" Derek remained calm and kept his expression neutral.

"You? No. Scott, given his recent behaviours? Yes!"

"Isaac, Scott wouldn't lie about this, no matter what. It was the Nemeton that did this to him." Lydia also stepped in to defend Scott.

"Then, what, I'm just supposed to believe he was being hypnotized to forget Stiles?"

"That's exactly what you're supposed to believe, Isaac. Because it's true." A voice suddenly announced. It was revealed to be Deaton as he walked into the living room.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked with a frown.

"Derek and Scott called me to have a look at the Nemeton before meeting you all here. They asked me to examine it for anything, so I did. There are residues of dark magic, pertaining to a particular spell designed to make pack members slowly forget one specific member. They would have started with the alpha and worked their way around every member of the pack. Stiles would then have become an outcast and therefore, more prone to whatever attack the user was planning."

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