Chapter 35

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"What do you mean you know who?" Derek asked rather darkly, folding his arms over his chest.

"I mean," Peter descended the staircase slowly, "I know exactly who took Stiles."

"Well, don't keep us waiting." Lydia glared at Peter.

He only smiled back at her before turning his nephew. "You might want to sit down, dear nephew. What I'm about to tell you is going to shock you."

Everyone rolled their eyes. "Just get on with it." Derek sighed, giving Peter an annoyed glare.

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you." Peter hummed. "It was Paige."

Stiles fought to get out of Paige's grip but she was too strong. Her hand tightened the more he struggled.

"Fighting is useless, Stiles." Paige taunted sweetly. "You'll only prolong the inevitable." She giggled. "Oh, I can see why Derek likes you. You're a fighter. And you're emotionally strong. And, of course, there are bonus points for you looking similar to me. We could have been siblings in another life." She grinned again. She stood up suddenly, still holding Stiles by the neck as she lifted him off the sofa. Stiles blinked and he found himself being thrown across the room, crashing into the very far wall and landed in a heap.

"What happened to you?" Stiles managed to ask between coughs as he slowly rose to his feet. "When Derek told us about you, he said you were sweet."

"I AM STILL SWEET!" She yelled. As she did, the walls seemed to flicker ever so slightly. To the untrained eye, nobody would have noticed it but Stiles did. So it seemed they were in some sort of conjured house. No wonder Stiles could feel the magic. Paige seemed to be controlling the space they were in. "I just matured and found out the truth about my family! And the truth is, Derek and I, we're meant to be together. And you have gotten in our way!"

"Sounds to me like you're obsessing over him. That's not love."

Stiles was suddenly pinned to the wall, Paige's hand at his throat again. She glared at him with intense hatred, the skin on her face rippling again. "I. Am. Not. Obsessing." She hissed. "I am in love with him and he is mine." She growled. "You are nothing but a pesky insect that I am so going to enjoy crushing beneath my heal."

"What do you mean Paige took him?" Derek glared at Peter.

"I mean, it was Paige. She's alive, Derek." Peter simply said.

"How? I killed her."

"Oh, you did. Don't worry, that wasn't fake." Peter nodded.

"Then how is she alive?" Scott argued, his annoyance meter spiking into the simmering of anger.

"Because she's a Nosferatu."

"Like the movie?" Liam asked.

"The Nosferatus have been around a lot longer that movie. And it was not a good representation of them. It was based on the book that was written which is completely different to what Paige is. Though they did get the looks somewhat right.

"How the hell is she fucking alive?" Derek pressed. "The bite and me stopping her heart should have killed her."

"As I said, she's a Nosferatu. That part of her awakened when she got bit and then you killed her, making her fully transform. Now, she's a walking vampire who has plans to kill your boyfriend."

"Why would she want to kill Stiles?" Corey frowned.

"Because in Paige's mind, Stiles stole Derek from her. Nosferatus are particular about the people they love. Nosferatus and Lupinears have been enemies for centuries, all because the first Nosferatu fell in love with a woman that the first Lupinear loved as well. That Nosferatu thought the Lupinear purposefully exposed its true form to the woman but in reality, the Nosferatu did that themself. The Lupinear was protecting the woman."

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