Chapter 22

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Stiles' nerves grew more and more as Derek drover closer to the Hale house. He tried to calm himself, tried to subtly take deep breaths to calm his increasing anxiety. He didn't know why he was so anxious to see them again and he hated it. They were his friends after all. Derek hadn't let go of Stiles' hand after grabbing it when they got in the car and periodically gave it soft squeezes in comfort all the while having expert control on the steering wheel with one hand. Every time he did, Stiles felt at ease immediately. To distract himself, he asked Derek a question. "Who knows about us?"

"Isaac, your dad, Deaton and Cora. No one else knows." Derek's voice was soft and tender. These emotions were ones Derek only showed around Stiles.

"What about Peter?" Stiles asked, his voice growing dark at the mention of Derek's uncle. Derek's grip on the steering wheel became a vice grip at the mention of his uncle.

"I don't know. He knows about my feelings for you but Cora wouldn't have told him."

Stiles nodded. "Hopefully he won't be here today." He said as he eyed the house when Derek slowly pulled the car to a stop.

"Hopefully." Derek sighed and turned the car off. They both exited and Derek locked it afterwards as they headed to the front door. Neither of them could explain but they were both feeling a sudden itch to get close to each other, feeling the need to be touching somehow. The proximity wasn't enough. So, Stiles swallowed his nerves and shifted closer to Derek and took hold of his hand. Derek looked at Stiles with a slightly confused look. He wasn't complaining but he was worried Stiles was forcing himself to portray their relationship when he wasn't ready to.

"I don't care." Stiles explained, gazing up at his boyfriend as he softly spoke. "If the rest of them judge, let them. I'm happy." His expression held a soft smile. Derek smiled in reciprocation and leaned in as he cupped his face and kissed him. Stiles smiled more into the kiss and leaned into Derek's touch. When they pulled away, Stiles' smile had turned into a happy grin. "I love it when you kiss me."

Derek grinned. "Then I'll keep kissing you." He kissed Stiles again just to prove his point.

Stiles chuckled happily. "I have no complaints."

Derek gave a soft chuckle in response and squeezed Stiles' hand. "Let's head inside." He said as he unlocked the front door and held it open for Stiles. The younger male took a deep breath when his nerves started to play up again and headed inside. He heard voices as he waited for Derek before following said voices into the living room.

He was but only one step walking into the living room when he was immediately tackled by someone who wrapped him up in a tight embrace. He blinked, not expecting the sudden hug. He smiled and patted Isaac's back comfortingly and reciprocated the hug. "I'm okay, Isaac. I promise."

"I know." Isaac responded but refused to let go for a few more long seconds. Stiles knew they'd have to have a talk later on. He didn't want Isaac feeling responsible or guilty for him getting kidnapped. Isaac soon pulled away and the next person to come up to Stiles was Scott. When Scott didn't say anything, Stiles pulled him into a hug.

Scott blinked in shock before he settled and wrapped his own arms around Stiles and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry." He whispered, his voice filled with pain and misery.

"For what?" Stiles frowned.

"For how horrible I treated you." Scott said and pulled back. Stiles stared at him for a few moments before he smacked him on the head lightly. "Ow! What was that for?!" Scott pouted and rubbed the area Stiles smacked.

"For you apologizing for something that wasn't your fault. You didn't know what was happening, Scott. It wasn't your fault." Derek had filled him in on what had happened on the way.

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