Chapter 37

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The pack stared in horror as Paige slowly killed their packmate, unable to do anything to stop it. Once Stiles went still and Paige let him fall, a scream echoed very loudly around them.

"STILES!" Derek screamed in pain. A searing, white hot pain flared in his chest, forcing him to fall to his knees and clutched the fabric concealing his upper body.

"NO!" Scott screamed with rage and tried to run at Paige which proceeded in him being propelled hard into a tree.

"Scott!" Malia shouted and ran after him, drawing him into her arms and checked him over.

"So," Paige said, turning to face Derek. "Change your mind?" She asked as she reverted back to her human form.

Derek watched her. Watched how her arms transformed back to normal. How her face turned back to normal. His eyes landed on her bloodstained hands, stand with his mate's blood. "Do you really think that I'm going to change my mind after witnessing you killing my mate?" He growled, glaring at her.

"Well, obviously you're going to need some time to get over it and adjust." She smiled sweetly, walking over to him. "In time, you'll learn to love me again. And I'll become part of the pack. You'll all forget Stiles soon enough."

Everyone stared at Paige in shock, including Peter. He had no idea that this was part of Paige's plan, all he knew was that she wanted Stiles gone. He didn't know she wanted to replace Stiles completely.

Consciousness slowly started to seep its way into Stiles' head along with a woman's voice slowly starting to build in volume, humming a gentle tone. He felt a hand run through his hair, making Stiles slowly open his eyes. His head was resting on a woman's lap. Stiles made a small and soft noise, as if he was waking up from a decent night's sleep, causing the woman to look down at him with kind eyes and a gentle smile that were all too familiar.

"Mom?!" Stiles sat up, staring at the woman in shock.

"Hi, sweetie." Claudia said softly. "Oh, look at you. You're so grown up." She smiled, taking in the sight of her son and began fussing over his hair.

"How are you here?" Stiles asked, looking around. "Where are we?" His surroundings were completely different to the clearing he had previously been in. They seemed to be on a beach, sitting on sand chairs as the sun slowly set behind the beach house.

"Well, you're dead." Claudia said softly, her hand still fixing her son's hair.

"Dead?" His mouth went dry.

"Temporarily. Your time isn't up yet." She said gently. "As for why I'm here, there are some things I need to teach you. And so do they."

The front door to the house opened and three people walked out. Two women and a man. Stiles immediately recognized one of them. "Laura?" He asked, standing.

"Hi, Stiles." Laura smiled and hugged him. "It's good to meet you. Even if through unfortunate circumstances."

"Yeah, I guess so." Stiles said, still in shock as he hugged her back. They soon pulled away and Stiles turned to the other two adults.

"I'm Talia. This is my husband, Jonathan." Talia smiled and hugged him next.

"Not the way I wanted to meet my boyfriend's parents but what can you do?" He chuckled nervously and hugged her back. Jonathan gave Stiles the typical man hug.

"We've been watching over you. Over all of you." Jonathan spoke. His voice was lower and more gravelly, completely different to Derek's. "You've done well in breaking Derek out of his box. I'm proud that you're his mate. And that you are his."

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