Chapter 34

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Paige smirked at Stiles, regarding him with a heinous expression and a nefarious glint shining bright in her eyes.

Stiles stared in shock. "How............ The bite killed you."

"Yes, well, that's what we all thought. I remember vividly of Derek stopping my heart after I begged him to stop the pain. And I remember how much it hurt him to go through with it. I remember his sobs, feeling his tears drip onto my skin. He was so upset. He was so angry. He wanted revenge." She began pacing. Her expression had now changed to one of a mixture of sadness, anger and wistfulness.

Stiles watched her, keeping his guard up. He had no idea what to expect, especially if he was correct in thinking that she had kidnapped him.

"When I woke up, I was with my parents." Her eyes snapped to his with an unnatural speed. "They had arranged my burial and everything. They even used some hiker in the woods and magically altered her to look like me, height included. It was quite spectacular. So, they buried that body pretending it was me and I was kept at home where my parents eagerly awaiting for me to wake up.

And when I did, I had a new perspective on life." Paige continued, looking away again. "And I thought 'I'm alive. I can go see Derek, he'll be happy to see me again.' Only, imagine my surprise when Derek wasn't that same 16 year old boy anymore. He was grown and so different and had found himself a new pack. A new life." She stopped pacing and glared at Stiles.

"And a new person to love."

After Scott broke the news of his mate going missing again, Derek had become a recluse even though he was surrounded by his pack. They had only just gotten him back two months ago. Somehow, it felt like the time Derek and Stiles had spent together were two weeks and the one day he was gone felt like an eternity.

"Derek, your pacing is really starting to get on my nerves." Cora glared at her older brother.

"Oh, I'm sorry for being worried about my mate getting kidnapped again." Derek snapped back.

"Hey, arguing isn't going to get us anywhere." Lydia said. "We need to focus on finding Stiles. He could be anywhere. With his scent gone, we're going to need to work harder to find him again."

Derek sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You're right." He said. "Anyone got a plan?"

"Is it worth scouring everywhere?" Corey asked. "We only found Stiles last time because he nearly died and Lydia screamed for him."

Scott sighed. "We haven't gone over creating pack bonds with Deaton yet so that rules out a way to find him."

"Stiles can do that?" Liam looked at Scott.

Scott nodded. "Yeah, it's just one of the many things he can do. We looked through his book together and some of the stuff he's capable is way more fucking powerful than any of us thought. We can use the pack bonds to communicate with each other."

"Shit. So, he's actually, like, super fucking powerful? Not just powerful?"

Derek nodded. "He is. He comes from the two most powerful Lupinear clans. He's extremely powerful."

"Wait, clans?" Lydia looked at Derek.

Derek nodded again. "Yeah, his parents were from each clan."

"Why doesn't Noah have any powers?" Jackson questioned.

"Because it somehow skipped him. Noah was one of the ones who didn't get the gene to produce magic, though he was able to pass on the one with the ability to Stiles. I think his paternal grandmother was human. But yeah, Noah didn't get the one that allowed him to access it. Stiles' mother, however, had both that she passed onto him."

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