Chapter 3

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Peter left as quickly as he could. He had heard what his niece and nephew said. He couldn't let them suspect what he was up to. He knew Derek would never stop and would eventually figure out why he was still lingering so he had to act quickly with his plan. He needed time to set it in motion but that was quickly running out.

He ran deep into the forest and headed for the Nemeton. He slowly came to a walk when he saw it glowing with a pulsing gold. Peter watched as the light began to slowly build and build in intensity before it became a floating orb and shot up into the sky. He watched it until it disappeared out of sight. He didn't bother to follow it since it didn't have anything to do with him or his plan. He didn't feel the need to investigate what it was or where it went. He continued on the path he was taking and progressed out of the forest. He soon came to the tunnels that led to the Dread Doctors' old lair and headed into the tunnels. He soon arrived at the heart of the cold and sterile burrow.

"I've been waiting for you." A voice sounded from the shadows.

"My apologies. I didn't expect McCall's pack meeting to take as long as it did."

There was a sound of an exasperated sigh before a heavy thud as though something had jumped from a high place. It landed on the ground next to Peter but remained shrouded in darkness. "Of course not." It said irritably. "How are things with the pack? How's the human?"

"He's fading into the background, just like you want." Peter smirked. "I don't think it'll be much longer till he's cast out of the pack. Then I'll be able to kidnap him for you."

"Perfect." The voice chuckled with a menacing tone. "Thank you, Peter. That's all for now, I'll talk with you later." Flapping of wings echoed around the room as the thing went back to whatever perch it was on before it jumped down. Peter hummed in approval and walked back to the entrance and exited the area, a small happy smile plastered on his face. Their plan was coming together rather nicely.

Stiles woke up the next morning to sunshine peeking through his curtains and shining on his face. He yawned and stretched before blinking his eyes to wake up and sat up, slipping out from under the covers. He walked over to the curtains and opened them and immediately groaned at the brightness that shone through as the full sun hit him in the face. "That was a mistake." He sighed and turned away from the window.

He paused, a frown shaping its way onto his mouth. The sun should not have been that intense given it was early morning. Or so Stiles thought as he rushed over to his bedside table and picked up his phone. He checked the time and nearly dropped it when the screen read 10:00 am. So he had gotten a decent amount of sleep, enough to warrant a sleep in. He was certainly grateful for it. But questions about what the pack was doing began quickly tumbling through his mind just as a text from Lydia popped up.

Lyds: Where are you?

Stiles frowned and opened the text bubble, typing back a response: What do you mean?

Lyds: We have a pack meeting. Didn't Scott tell you?

Stiles' frown deepened. Scott hadn't been telling him a lot of things lately.

Stiles: No, he didn't. What's up?

Lyds: I'm coming to get you, this is important. You need to be here.

Stiles' eyebrows drew closer together. Clearly it was important if Lydia was coming to get him instead of telling him over text.

Stiles: Alright. Thanks, Lydia. I'll see you soon.

Lydia read the message and liked it by giving it a thumbs up. Stiles tossed his phone on his bed before flopping down beside it and stared at the ceiling with a look of 'I'm so fucking done with this bullshit.' He looked over to the door when a knock sounded and watched his father pop his head in. Noah smiled a little when he saw his son.

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