Chapter 10

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Stiles led Derek up to his bedroom and opened the door and led him in. He was about to speak as he turned to face Derek but was joyfully interrupted when Derek pressed his lips to Stiles'. Stiles blinked, looking at Derek with wide eyes when he pulled away.

"What? I can't kiss my boyfriend?" He teased, smiling at Stiles.

"Boyfriend?" Stiles asked in shock.

"Well, yeah. We did establish we both wanted a relationship. Are you okay with being called that?" Derek asked worriedly.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I am definitely okay with that. It's just going to be something to get used to." Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's neck. Derek responded by wrapping his arms around Stiles' waist and pulled him closer.

"Good. Because I like calling you my boyfriend." Derek leaned down to kiss Stiles again. Stiles smiled and happily let the kiss happen, leaning into Derek. He could easily get addicted to kissing Derek.

"We should probably clean up before my dad catches us." Stiles giggled in a soft, light tone after they parted.

Derek nodded and gave Stiles one last quick kiss before heading to Stiles' bed and opened his duffel bag and searched through it to pull out a classic black t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"The bathroom's just through there." Stiles pointed to a door in the hall when Derek was ready. He nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

Stiles looked in the mirror after Derek disappeared to investigate how coated he was and giggled when he saw his mouth. His father was right, there was a lot of evidence of kissing on his lips but he hadn't realised how much flour there was everywhere else. He sighed as he thought about what his father had said before they went upstairs and prayed he wouldn't bring out his shotgun. He'd rather his boyfriend be alive, even if said boyfriend was a werewolf. Who knew what kind of bullets his father was storing these days?

After a short while, Derek came out of the bathroom clean of flour and dressed in fresh clothes. And boy, did they complement his figure well. His wet hair framed his face perfectly and the clothing he had chosen definitely complimented his body. His shirt was definitely form fitting and showed off his muscles.

"Well, it's a good thing your jacket didn't get dirty." Stiles grinned, walking over to his boyfriend with the intention of hugging him. He pouted when Derek took a step back.

"I agree, it is. But I'm not letting you hug me with all that flour on you. You can hug me after your shower." Derek chuckled and gave Stiles a quick peck. "I'll be downstairs." He slipped his socks on and slipped out the bedroom door.

Stiles smiled and grabbed his change of clothes and quickly showered and redressed, eager to get back to his boyfriend. He finished drying his hair and headed back to the kitchen. "How's it going?" He walked up to Derek.

"I can feel your father watching me." Derek said softly as he focused on cooking the pasta. Stiles turned around to indeed see his father sitting in his armchair that conveniently faced the kitchen. He smiled and waved before turning back to Derek.

"Don't worry about him, he won't do anything while I'm with you." Stiles kissed Derek's cheek. "What do you want me to do?"

"Could you check on the focaccia and see how it's doing? It's in the oven."

Stiles nodded and checked the oven, peering in through the glass. "Well, it doesn't look too bad." He hummed.

"It should start to look golden on the top of it." Derek briefly looked at Stiles.

"Not quite there yet." Stiles stood up and moved back over to Derek. "Need me to help prep anything?"

"Could you start chopping some of the vegetables while I make the sauce?" Derek asked. Stiles nodded and moved to the side where the vegetables were waiting and began chopping them up, smiling happily to himself. Derek stood at the stove, making sure the sauce was simmering away.

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