Chapter 29

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Jackson stared at the newly announced (to him) couple in shock. "No. No way. No way you're dating Derek Hale. No fucking way." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Why's that so hard to believe?" Derek asked. All eyes switched to Derek and Stiles.

"You're going along with this?" Jackson let the surprise and confusion he was feeling be known.

Derek nodded. "Yeah." He said like it was obvious and took hold of Stiles' hand and pulled him into him, making Stiles sit on his lap. A blush was brought to the younger's cheeks. "He is my boyfriend."

Stiles looked up at Derek with slightly wide eyes before he immediately smiled in happiness. While Derek had called him his boyfriend when they were alone, hearing him say it in front of the back solidified that they were really dating. He snuggled into Derek and looked back at Jackson with a smug 'see? He is my boyfriend' look.

"Holy shit, you're serious." Jackson sat down.

"Completely serious." Stiles nodded.

Jackson was quiet for a few moments before he grinned. "Welcome to the community."

Stiles grinned back. "Thanks, it feels great to be welcomed."

Jackson chuckled. "I have to say, I'm a little surprised you two got together."

"I think they're cute together." Lydia smiled, watching the two.

Stiles couldn't help the blush that reappeared. "Careful, he doesn't like being called cute."

"Well, she is right, Stiles." Scott said as he returned from the kitchen. "You two make a pretty good pair." He smirked.

Derek sighed while Stiles groaned as Jackson laughed. "You just had to bring that up again, didn't you?" Jackson asked Scott.

"I hate to admit it but Matt was right. They do make a good pair." Scott shrugged.

"I agree." Jackson smirked himself.

"Matt? The same one who was controlling Jackson when he was the Kanima?" Lydia interjected.

Scott, Jackson, Derek and Stiles nodded. "Mhm. At the police station when Matt had taken us and Melissa hostage. He made Jackson paralyze Derek, then I said something idiotic and he made Jackson paralyze me as well and I fell on top of Derek. I hate that he was right. Him of all people." Stiles huffed.

Derek chuckled. "You always had a bad feeling about him, didn't you?" He smiled, looking at his boyfriend.

Stiles shrugged. "Seems I have a supernatural ability for distinguishing the bad guys."

"Supernatural ability?" Cora asked with an amused smile.

Stiles nodded. "Every single time we've encountered an evil person, I've marked them out. Matt, Jennifer, Theo, discovered they were all evil."

"I mean, he's right." Mason supplied.

"Maybe that was part of your powers trying to get through." Derek mused.

Stiles looked at him, slightly shocked. "Huh. I didn't think about that." He murmured. "It could have been."

"Enough of that, time for food." Lydia called. At some point, she had gotten up and grabbed plates out of the pantry and began setting them on the long, wooden dining table and finished the cooking Isaac and Scott had abandoned, thankfully with nothing cooking in the pan. After everyone had gotten how many they wanted, Lydia divvied up the rest of them, putting extra on Stiles' plate.

Stiles looked at Lydia. "Why—"

"Because you'll need the energy for what Deaton has planned." She said in response, a soft smile gracing her lips.

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