Chapter 13

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It had been a couple of hours since Derek left and Stiles absolutely hated it. He didn't want Derek to go but he knew he needed to. There was no need for Scott to gain another reason to be angry at anyone in the pack, let alone Stiles himself. So, he was still settled on the sofa as he had been when Derek left and was watching TV to bypass the time as he waited for Derek to come home when there was a sudden knock on the door and Noah got up to answer it.

Stiles didn't hear any words being spoken and frowned when he saw Cora walk into the living room with a smaller bag. He sat up properly and asked, "Did something happen with Scott?"

"No, no, this is a bag for Derek." Cora reassured Stiles and set the bag next to him. "He went on a run to check around for any signs of misbehaving from the new pack and said he'd run here instead of letting me drive him so we agreed I'd drop some clothes off for him."

Stiles smiled. "Thank you, Cora." He said and made room for her to sit. "What did Scott want to talk about?"

"He wanted to try and make some plans predicting any move the new pack might make." She sighed and sat down.

"But that's literally impossible to do. You can never predict someone's every move." Stiles frowned, echoing what Derek had said. "Why did he want to do that?"

"Because he wants to make sure the pack doesn't pose a threat to our one." Cora shook her head. "We tried to tell him that, but he obviously didn't listen. Nor did he listen when Derek voiced that you should have been there to make a more solid plan. He'll tell you more when he gets here." She hummed and checked her watch and suddenly straightened. "I should get going, I'm supposed to meet someone in the next few minutes."

"Oh? Who's this someone?" Stiles smirked.

"Isaac." Cora grinned.

Stiles gasped excitedly and matched her grin. "No way! You and Isaac?!"

Cora laughed and nodded. "He's cute." Her smile was mischievous.

Stiles laughed. "Derek is going to be livid." He kept up the grin. "When Isaac first asked about possibly dating you, his expression was that of 'you're really gonna talk about asking my sister out in front of me?' in a very protective older brother way."

Cora shrugged, chuckling. "Eh, I can handle Lahey. I am a Hale after all."

Stiles chuckled. "Well, I wish you nothing but happiness in this budding romance."

Cora rolled her eyes as she laughed softly. "I'll see you later, Stiles."

"Bye." Stiles hugged her goodbye. He grabbed Derek's bag and headed up to his bedroom. When he opened the door, he paused when he caught his boyfriend in the middle of meandering through the window. "First Scot and now you? What's wrong with the door?!"

Derek shrugged, looking at Stiles with a neutral look. "Coming through the window is easier." Stiles stared him in disbelief. "What?" Derek questioned.

"How is coming through the window easier than walking through a damn door?!"

"I don't like people." Derek said as he finished climbing through and took his second bag from Stiles, pulling some clothes out.

Stiles paused. "Fair point." He nodded and sat on the bed. "How was your run?"

"Good. No unwanted scents where they shouldn't be so the pack hasn't really travelled around town. And they haven't been around any of our pack's houses."

"That's good." Stiles nodded and stretched out. "Reassuring."

Derek nodded his response, agreeing with Stiles, and zipped open his other back to pull out his deodorant as they settled into a quiet silence.

"Have a shower if you want, it's there." Stiles spoke up after a few minutes.

Derek smiled and leaned over to give Stiles a quick kiss. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He said softly and headed into the bathroom.

Stiles smiled and relaxed properly on the bed, fully stretched out. He suddenly yawned out of nowhere, feeling completely drained. But why was he? Stiles thought he had caught up on his missed sleep by now but apparently not. He shrugged and curled up, resting his head on a pillow and once his eyes were closed, he was out like a light.

Derek indeed came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, fully changed and towelling his hair. He paused when he saw his boyfriend sound asleep and smiled softly. He grabbed one of the throw blankets Stiles kept in his room and carefully placed it over him so not to disturb him. He then put the towel in Stiles' wash basket and pulled out a book out of his original bag and sat down next to Stiles.

Just before he got into his book, Stiles rolled over and nuzzled up against his thigh, sighing softly as he felt properly relaxed. Derek's heart seemed to blossom with warmth after that little act and ran a hand through Stiles' hair, that soft smile ever present on his face. It was very obvious that only Stiles could make Derek smile like that.

A couple of hours passed before Stiles eventually woke up. Grogginess filled his head for a few moments and he rubbed his eyes as he sat up and leaned against Derek.

Derek wrapped an arm around Stiles' waist and kissed the side of his head. "Did you enjoy your nap?"

Stiles nodded and shifter a little closer to Derek. "Mhm. Better when you're here." He mumbled softly, resting his head on Derek's shoulder. "What are you reading?"

"Shadow and Bone."

"Oh, I read that! I enjoyed it. The TV show was also good."

"Yeah? We'll have to watch it together when I'm finished with this, then." Derek smiled.

"I'd love that." Stiles said happily and kissed Derek.

Derek chuckled after their kiss and proceeded to kiss the top of Stiles' head. "You're adorable." He said fondly.

Stiles frowned and glared at Derek. "I am not! I'm ferocious." He pouted.

Derek's heart swelled with an overload of cuteness. Stiles was absolutely fucking adorable. "You're adorable, Stiles. No use fighting it, I've already made up my mind." He grinned mischievously.

Stiles continued to glare at Derek for a few moments longer before he relented with a huff and went back to resting his head on Derek's shoulder. "You're mean."

"You love me." Derek teased and pressed another kiss to Stiles' head.

"Mm......... I don't know......... You keep kissing my head and not my lips so I might not." Stiles looked up at Derek an entirely straight face.

Derek watched Stiles for a couple of minutes before he leaned down and kissed Stiles on the lips, a hand cupping the back of his neck. After a little while, he pulled back and settled his jade green eyes on Stiles' whiskey coloured ones. "Feel better?" He smirked.

Stiles grinned. "Much better." He got up and stretched. "I'm gonna get some food. Want anything?"

"I'll come down with you." Derek set his book down and got up as well.

"Ready for a flour rematch then?" Stiles grinned again.

Derek chuckled. "As tempting as that sounds, I'd rather your father not catch us again or waste ingredients."

Stiles pouted though he was still amused. "Wuss." He teased.

Derek offendedly gasped and made a playful swipe for Stiles and pulled him into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around Stiles. "I am not a wuss." He countered.

"Oh, yeah? How come?" Stiles grinned up at Derek.

"Well, if you wanted to deal with me getting shot with another wolfsbane bullet, all you had to do was ask."

Stiles paused, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Yeah, no thanks. I do not need a repeat of that." Stiles shook his head, blanching at the memory. "Now, food. I'm hungry."

"Alright, alright, let's go." Derek chuckled and led Stiles downstairs.

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