Chapter 25

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Stiles woke up the next morning wrapped in a comfortably, warm embrace. He smiled softly and nuzzled the person responsible for it and softly yawned. He looked up, curious to see if Derek was awake and blinked in surprise when he saw him fast asleep.

Stiles carefully rolled over and managed to grab his phone without Derek waking up, settling back in his arms and pressed his back against Derek's chest. He smiled when Derek tightened his hold on him. Stiles happily relaxed and opened his phone, opening his messages when he saw the notification box.

Scotty: Text me when you're up.

Stiles: What's up?

Scotty: We need to talk.

Stiles: Okay, when do you want to come over?

Scotty: When Derek lets you go 🤣

Stiles heard a growl and chuckled, smiling. "Are you reading my texts, Sourwolf?" He teased.

There was a brief pause. "No." He heard a muffled voice say. Stiles grinned and set his phone down and rolled over again, facing Derek.

"I think you were." He teased more, watching Derek.

Derek huffed but didn't say anything else. Stiles chuckled again and leaned forward, kissing him softly.

"You're cute when you're pouty." Stiles grinned.

Derek growled. "I am not cute." He huffed.

"Oh, I beg to differ. You are very much cute in my opinion, Sourwolf." Stiles was enjoying this too much.

Derek was quiet for a moment, watching Stiles as a plan formulated in his mind. Then he suddenly moved and rolled Stiles onto his back, pinning his arms above his head and settled between his legs, pinning Stiles' hips with his own. "I. Am. Not. Cute."

Stiles blinked, staring up at Derek with wide eyes. "No, you're incredibly sexy now." He smirked. He tried to keep how turned on he was getting out of his voice but he had a strong suspicion he failed judging by the smirk on his boyfriend's face.

Derek chuckled and leaned down, kissing Stiles. "Now, that sounds better." He softly spoke against Stiles' ear, making Stiles squeeze his eyes shut.

Stiles chuckled. "Of course you'd say that." He hummed and licked Derek's cheekbone. The older man shuddered and Stiles took that opportunity to roll them over, straddling Derek's hips. "You are also a cheeky wolf." He chuckled and picked up his phone, paying attention to it. He could feel the disgruntled emotions bouncing off his lover. "Something the matter, darling?"

"Yeah, my boyfriend is currently straddling me and paying attention to his phone rather than me." Derek huffed. Stiles looked at the wolf's face only to see him glaring which resulted in Stiles smiling innocently.

"I'm sure he has good reason to do so." Stiles cheekily and responded to Scott.

Stiles: You can head over now.

Scotty: Cool. I'm on my way.

Stiles was about to type out a reply when Derek snatched his phone out of his hand and chucked it away. It landed on the far side of his bedroom with a heavy thud, making Stiles wince. "If that's broken, you're paying for it." He said, looking back at Derek. He squeaked when Derek suddenly attacked him with a kiss.

He tried to say something but that was heard was his muffled voice as Derek continued to kiss him. He gave up fighting and kissed Derek back, wrapping his arms around his neck. What followed was a very heated make-out session. They continued it for a short while before Stiles managed to pull away. "So. You get jealous when people don't pay attention to you?"

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