Chapter 27

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"So, how did your day with Scott go?" Derek asked, kissing the top of Stiles' head.

"It was great! It was nice to talk to him again. And it felt nice hanging out with him. I missed him." Stiles beamed.

Derek smiled and leaned down to kiss his boyfriend. "You certainly smell like you had a good day."

Stiles chuckled. "I forget you can smell pheromones."

"I wonder if it's a trait you have." Derek mused thoughtfully.

Stiles shrugged. "I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Derek nodded. "It'll be interesting." He said softly. "Especially with your magic. Makes me wonder what you'll be capable of."

"Well, Deaton did say I can do all kinds of magic. Guess I just have to explore what I can actually do."

"Seems like you're quite the powerful Lupinear." Derek smirked.

Stiles chuckled and shrugged. "We'll see just how powerful I can be."

Derek chuckled as well. "I have a feeling you'll be extremely powerful." He hummed and kissed Stiles gently. Stiles happily leaned into the kiss. They enjoyed a soft and gentle make out session before they pulled away to catch their breath. "How about we watch some TV? Or Netflix?"

Stiles nodded. "Sounds like a good idea. I need some time to settle down with my boyfriend." He smiled and grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. The couple enjoyed a comfortable silence as they put the first movie on.

They spent the majority of their afternoon watching movies, getting through two of them before Stiles' father came home. It was a welcomed quiet evening spent together.

"Hey, Dad." Stiles hummed when Noah walked into the living room.

"Hey, son. Hey, Derek." Noah hummed and sat down in his armchair. "How was your day?"

"Good! Spent most of the day with Scott." Stiles replied, pausing the movie.

"How'd that go? Is everything good between you two now?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, we're okay. It was good to talk to him and clear everything. We're back to being best friends again."

"Good. That's good to hear." Noah smiled. "How about pizza for dinner?"

"Yes, please." Stiles immediately grinned.

Derek laughed, amused by his boyfriend's reaction. "Sure."

"I'll get onto ordering it." Noah smiled and got up, heading into the kitchen. He made the order and half an hour later, it was delivered. They all ate together as a family, watching a different movie than the one Derek and Stiles had been watching before. After the new movie had ended, Stiles and Derek bid the sheriff goodnight and headed up to Stiles' room.

They ended up cuddling on the bed with Stiles wrapped up in Derek's arms. They were quiet as they enjoyed the silence surrounding them and each other's company.

"What did you first think when you saw us in the preserve? Scott and I?" Stiles suddenly asked, his voice soft and serene with a thoughtful look smoothed over his features.

Derek was silent, thinking back to that very first time he saw Stiles. And Scott. "I initially did think you were trespassing and wanted you to leave. Part of that was because I was still mourning my sister and didn't want her found." He playfully poked Stiles' shoulder. "But then I smelt the change happening to Scott. And I did have his inhaler."

Stiles couldn't help the small chuckle. "Huh. I didn't think you'd be able to smell it. Makes sense though. And sorry about that. Scott and I freaked out. We did not expect to see what we did."

"I bet you didn't." Derek chuckled. "But there was some part of me that knew that you were my mate thinking back on that first meeting. Guess fate or whatever knew we were 'meant to be together'." Derek emphasized with air quotes.

"You are so cynical!" Stiles laughed. "We are definitely meant to be together!"

"Trust you to believe in that stuff." Derek grinned.

Stiles laughed more. "Everything happens for a reason, Derek Hale." He put on a mysterious accent.

Derek laughed and kissed Stiles. "You're an idiot." He teased.

"I'm your idiot." Stiles countered. Derek chuckled and shook his head in amusement. Quiet settled over them again.

"So you started to form a crush on me ever since then?" Stiles asked, looking at Derek.

Derek nodded. "Yeah, it seems so." He hummed. "What about you?"

"I think............" Stiles trailed off, thinking as he let his head rest back on Derek's shoulder. "I think a little bit of it was when that meeting in the preserve happened. It solidified more when Isaac had been arrested on suspicion of murdering his dad and was locked in the cell. After you roared at him, it made me realise just how terrifying you were at being a werewolf, especially as an alpha. But it was also incredibly sexy."

Derek smirked. "You found it sexy?"

Stiles shrugged. "You're a sexy man, of course I found it sexy." He grinned. "How could I not?"

Derek grinned again. "You're going to inflate my ego if you keep complimenting me like that."

"As if your ego could get anymore inflated!" Stiles laughed.

"You're doing a good job of stretching its limits!"

Stiles laughed harder. "You're funny, Sourwolf." He grinned. Derek smiled, watching Stiles with a soft look and kissed him delicately. Stiles hummed happily into it and relaxed further into Derek. They broke apart after a few seconds and again settled into a comfortable silence.

It didn't take long for Stiles to fall asleep, comforted by his mate's scent and warmth. It did help that he had been tired out from the day with Scott. Derek watched Stiles for a little bit before he eventually got them settled down under the covers and held him close before falling asleep himself.

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