Chapter 38

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Stiles groaned as he sat up, holding his head as if that would stop the spinning. This was the second time he had died and he hated it. Dying was not fun.

'I just hope the Nogitsune won't come back.' He inwardly sighed.

'It won't.' A voice suddenly sounded. Stiles blinked, instantly recognizing his mother's voice like he had before.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Paige screeched out. Stiles winced, his ears ringing. "How the hell did you survive?! I killed you!" She yelled.

Stiles slowly got up, dusting himself off. "Yeah, I remember that. Hurt like a bitch, too." He looked at Paige.

The pack stared at Stiles in shock, wondering how the hell he had come back to life.

Paige let out a wild scream and she was suddenly beside Derek in an instant, placing her hands on either side of his head. "Kill them." She growled. Derek's eyes shone with a dark, garnet red. Seeing the colour gave the pack an intense shiver. Derek blinked and slowly turned to face his pack.

"Derek." Scott said, watching him warily. "Derek, it's us. Your pack."

He watched Scott with a blank look, the words lost on him. A second later, he was tackling Scott to the ground and began a tirade of attacks.

Stiles zeroed in on Paige. "You bitch." He growled.

"I told you he loved me." She tainted sweetly.

"No, you used magic on him. There's a difference." Stiles spoke curtly.

"He still loves me." Paige glared. "The spell wouldn't have worked if he didn't." She smirked.

"He told you he still has a place for you in his heart. He'll still have some love for you but he doesn't love you the way you want him to anymore."

"He still loves me!" Paige screamed. She hadn't seemed to notice the pack slowly surrounding her and Stiles while Scott kept Derek busy. She let out a frustrated yell and suddenly, a thick fog appeared out of nowhere and surrounded all of them. It was thick enough to make it very hard to see each other.

A few silent minutes went by before Stiles heard his pack members shouting in pain. A second later, Paige appeared in front of him. "I'm going to make sure you die permanently this time." She snarled.

"Try me, bitch." Stiles snarled back. Paige screamed and launched herself at him, trying to slash him with her claws. Stiles managed to keep her away by surrounding himself with a bubble of air before pushing with it, dispersing the fog. As it disappeared, the pack was revealed as they fought humanoid creatures. Like an idiot, Stiles stopped as he looked around which gave Paige the opportunity to tackle him.

"Do you like my creatures? One of my little tricks." She grinned, pinning Stiles to the ground. "They'll kill your little pack in no time."

"Not if we kill them first." Stiles growled and kicked Paige, sending her flying as he shot to his feet. He conjured a ball of fire and let it cultivate for a few seconds before he launched it at the creature attacking Corey. The creature exploded and Paige let out a wailing scream of anger.

'Now that's interesting.'

Before Paige could get close to Stiles again, he threw another fireball at the creature attacking Cora, making it go up in smoke. This time, Paige let out a pained scream. She got up and made a dash for Stiles, stumbling as she did. Stiles raised his hand and waved it, turning the ground beneath her feet wet and muddy. She slipped, distracted, and Stiles killed another creature with another ball of fire.

"Stiles!" Lydia shouted. Stiles whipped around in her direction and saw her, Malia and Isaac pinned. He summoned water out of thin air and shaped it into tiny little beads before he hardened them and turned them into tiny daggers. He launched them at the creatures, effectively ripping them to shreds.

Paige let out a deafening screech before she passed out. Stiles quickly looked over at his boyfriend and best friend, feeling relief at seeing Derek's attacks cease.

"Derek?" Stiles called out, slowly approaching them.

Derek turned to look at Stiles as he and Scott got to their feet and the relief he felt was furthered when he saw his boyfriend's eyes back to their normal colour. He let out an unknowingly held breath and ran at Derek, jumping into his arms and hugged him tightly. Derek held Stiles equally tight and buried his face in his neck. "I thought you were dead." He whispered.

"So did I." Stiles chuckled dryly, sniffling. "I thought I lost you to her."

"Never. You never will." Derek promised Stiles and kissed him. Stiles happily kissed him back, needing the close contact.

They pulled away when they heard a groan coming from Paige's direction. Derek set Stiles down as the pack gathered around them and watched Paige come to. She slowly rose up on to her knees and looked at the pack. Derek made a point of wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"I thought you loved me." She sniffled, silent tears falling down her red cheeks as she watched Derek.

"Once upon a time, I did. But I've moved on, Paige. You need to as well."

"NO! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON WHAT IS MINE!" She snarled and shot up, trying to run at them. Stiles promptly stopped her, suspending her in mid-air.

"You've done enough." Stiles spoke calmly.

"Shut up, you insolent—" Paige was shut up with a flick of Stiles' wrist.

"You've caused us too much damage. You tried to erase me from my pack. You tried to turn my mate against me, against us, because of your obsession with Derek. You've done too much and caused us too much pain. I wish it hadn't come to this but you leave me no choice."

A bright golden glow started to emanate from Stiles' hand. A tendril of it reached out to wrap around Paige and started to form an aura as the connection strengthened. She tried to speak, tried to struggle out of it but it was futile. She was stuck in Stiles' grasp. The aura began to glow brighter and brighter, a warmth slightly emanating from it as well. When the glow was at its brightest, Paige managed to let out an inhuman scream as she was slowly killed.

Stiles sighed, watching her body slowly lower itself to the ground.

"Holy shit." Jackson said in shock. "You killed her?"

"Ithad to be done." Stiles mumbled, suddenly feeling very dizzy. "It had tobe........." He passed out in Derek's arms.

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