The right gift

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Derek Hale x Reader

Requested by Anon

December event

"Hey! I got the printouts that Stiles said you needed." You said as you let yourself into Scott's place. You stopped when you saw Derek and Scott talking quietly. When you got closer they stopped talking and both turned to look at you.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just catching up." Scott said as Derek nodded in agreement and left. You interrupted several more strange incidents like this throughout the month. Whenever you came close everyone would hush and Derek would leave. Deciding to ignore it until it became a pressing problem you quickly forgot about the strange meetings or, when you happened upon them, ignored them. Until one day Derek invited you over. It was cold and windy so when you reached Derek's you hurried inside.

You found him sitting in his living room looking rather serious.

"What's going on?" You asked. Derek sighed deeply and shifted in his seat, moving closer.

"It took me a while but I think I got just the right gift for you." Derek said seriously.

"For me?" You said slowly.

"Yes. It took me quite a while to figure it out." Derek said firmly. You frowned. You'd been quite open about wanting the four-dollar fancy notebook from a new store in town. It wasn't that you couldn't get it for yourself. But that four dollars was a bit ridiculous to spend on one notebook. You'd hoped that someone might give it to you. You'd dropped enough hints about the book, the price, and the store. As you thought to yourself Derek slid a bag over his coffee table and gestured to it. You opened it and your mouth fell open with surprise.

The bag was filled with bundles of thousand-dollar notes. Hundreds of stacks were all stuffed into the bag.

"Derek." You said with surprise, unsure what else to say.

"Do you think it will be enough?" He asked. You stared at him and spluttered, trying to form words.

"This is to much." You insisted. He shrugged you off and refused to take the bag back. You left his apartment later on with the bag of cash and not the faintest idea what you should do with it. It would certainly be suspicious if you turned it in to the bank. You decided that you'd drop by Lydia's to ask her advice.

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