Out of town

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The peace of the office was broken by Derek. He and your coworker burst into the office. It was late in the afternoon so the two of you had been the only one left at the office. Derek had called to say he was on his way to pick you up an hour ago.

They rolled together, breaking tables and chairs, shattering computer screens and leaving dents in the wall. You moved cautiously, trying to find a place that you could get out of their way. But when your coworker came into view you jumped back. His eyes glowed an unnerving green, he had a fine fuz of fur all over him and his ears seemed to have changed position on his head, looking as if they were growing more angular as you stared. They looked at you, seemed to prepare to dive at you and jumped. Derek caught them in the air, continuing to tackle them until they escaped and hurried out of the building.

"You attacked my coworker at the office! All the cameras, what if someone who looks at them knows hunters!" You blabbered out. Derek turned to you. His eyes glowed red as he watched you, waiting for you to gather your thoughts. Scott and Malia were after your coworker, he could hear them chasing after them without moving from where he stood.

"They had been hunting you. Someone sent them after us. I... I'm sorry." Derek said as he started to shift back. You looked irritated. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"I'm not... upset. It's just. You couldn't have done this somewhere else? The place is trashed and everything will have been caught on cctv." You pointed out. Derek was quiet and you let out a slow sigh. He had intended to protect you. It wasn't as if you could fault him for it. "There's nothing that you could do that would make me love you any less."

"Even if I told you that there is a second one, Lydia and Stiles haven't figured out what it is yet, that it's after Melissa too and we need to get you out of here?" Derek asked. You frowned at him.

"Not if you try and help me straighten this place out so it doesn't look like I'm in on some sort of terrible scheme." You said firmly. Derek agreed and the two of you sorted the room out so it looked less like a supernatural fight had taken place moments before. You clocked out and packed up your things. He led you out to his car and started driving to the McCall house.

"There's two of them?" You asked. Derek cleared his throat and muttered a yes. "Well I'm guessing that Scott and Malia lost the one from my office or there's actually more than two." you pointed out of the window to a tall building you were passing. Derek leaned forward and saw them immediately.

"Call Liam and see if he can warn Scott. The others are working on getting Melissa out of town. Looks like we'll have to skip town too." Derek said as he turned a corner so sharply that the car's wheels squealed and spun. He took a twisted way out of town, stepping on the gas as soon as he reached the outskirts of town.

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