Gift list

937 36 1

Derek Hale x Reader

Requested by Anon​

December event

Derek looked up as you hurried into his apartment. You had a backpack on and a notebook in your hand. A sparkly pen in your hand gave off a blueberry scent as you got close.

"You need to tell me what you would like for Christmas." You snapped at him. He raised his eyebrows and shut the book he was reading.

"Do I?" He said with amusement. You nodded firmly and tapped your notebook with your pen.

"I have a gift for everyone on this list. Even Peter and Theo. I just don't have one for you. No one does. Except for Peter but he said he wouldn't tell me what he was getting you in case I got you the same thing." You complained and frowned even harder at Derek who broke into a smile.

"Maybe I don't want anything." Derek said. You scoffed and looked around.

"You don't even have finished flooring or chairs for your table. I doubt there's nothing that you want." You said as you appraised the room disapprovingly.

"Well, I could buy all that if I wanted." Derek pointed out.

"Yes but you don't. Even after Lydia offered to fix up the place." You pointed out and Derek chuckled.

"Maybe I'm just not a very festive person." Derek offered. He was rather amused by your lack of subtlety. He knew that you'd been sneaking around for a while trying to find out what kind of gifts he wanted. Really he'd settled for a peaceful day. But the look on your face told him he was determined to get him something.

"You can pretend you don't care. You can fool the whole world. But I know differently." You insisted. Derek relented as he realised that you weren't going to relent and give in no matter what he said to you.

"Fine. There's a fancy brand of butter biscuits that I love. Maybe, you could get me those." Derek said. He smiled as your face lit up as you scribbled something down in your notebook. You didn't say goodbye as you hurried off and he heard you all the way down in your car telling Lydia that you finally found out what he wanted. Derek realised that he would most likely be getting the same gift from everyone this year. Not that he minded.

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