Christmas Prompt

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"(Y/N) is living with you." Derek stated as Chris opened the door and the werewolf walked in.

"She does but she's at work..." He sighed when Derek made his way to your room and started shuffling things around. "She should be back soon."

"Hey we got pizza." You called as Melissa helped you carry the food in and Stiles, Scott and Lydia could be heard arguing as they took the stairs. Chris motioned to your room like he was in shock.

"He... urm... Derek came..." You followed his gaze and found Derek had built a huge nest out of your bedding and chairs.

"Derek... Sweetie... what the heck?" You asked gently and he growled when you tried to move the blankets so you could see him.

"I hate winter." He told you from deep in the nest he'd made.

"Well we brought a load of pizzas because the golden trio couldn't make up their mind... you want some?" You asked and his hand shot out to snatch the pizza you'd been holding. You went to ask for help when he grabbed you and pulled you in his nest with him.

"I guess we have a nesting werewolf for winter." Chris mumbled.

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