Wolf form

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Derek looked up at you guiltily as you looked at down at him, your arms were crossed as Derek tried to speak only to create a whine, making you giggle. You were the only person who knew about his struggle with his new wolf instincts, secretly thinking it was cute when he did something more wolf like than Derek would normally do.

"Just because you look like a wolf doesn't mean you can behave like one." You muttered when you saw the torn pillow by his paws.

Derek let loose a sharp bark followed by a snuffle and a sigh in response. You couldn't help but burst into laughter as you sat on the floor next to Derek and tried to get him to look at you. When you started tickling behind his ear he whined in objection but eventually tilted his head into your hand, turning to face you and pressed his cold nose against your cheek like tiny wet kisses.

"Derek stop!" You squealed through a giggled as you pushed the Hale wolf off you and watched him playfully lay on his back. "I bet you like belly rubs to." You mumbled with a grin.

He was grumbling happily as you stroked his belly when Scott and Stiles burst into the room both freezing and looking at you like you'd lost your mind.

"Is that Derek?" Scott asked quickly.

"No Scott, I have several evolved wolves hanging around." Your sarcastic comment had Derek grumbling and both boys watched as you began to coo over Derek and rub his belly again.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that (Y/N) is rubbing Derek's belly?" Stiles asked.

"Don't you dare make fun of him." You whispered to Stiles when Derek huffed.

"I'm sorry but it's the giant sourwolf in a little wolf body letting you rub his belly, it's just..." He trailed off as Derek got to his feet, bumped his nose against your cheek and slouched off to his bed.

The three of you watched as he attempted to get under the duvet but ended up balling it up and pushing it to the floor, he glanced at you and you all quickly looked somewhere else in an attempt to keep a straight face.

"You've made him grumpy." Scott snickered to Stiles who shrugged.

"Hey Derek you want us to go take you for a walk." Stiles and Scott laughed when Derek growled. "Just thought cause it's a clear night and the moons out and..." Derek hopped down from the bed and sat at Stiles feet ending the boys teasing.

"He's still getting used to it, somethings make him feel more wolfie than others." You defended before the boys could make fun of him again. "It could happen to Scott one day."

Derek made a loud bark when none of you headed outside and looked that the three of you expectantly.

"He knows it's like almost eleven thirty PM right?" Stiles whispered.

"No Stiles in his current state I think he lacks the concept of time." You hissed back. "Now just... don't lose him."

"How would I lose him?" Stiles asked as he was shooed from the penthouse.

There was a moment of peace before Derek hurtled back into the room and nuzzled into you, his eyes glowing as he whined a little and glanced toward the door.

"I'll be fine Der, just go with the boys and wolf out for a bit... maybe you'll figure out how to control your instincts a bit better." You smiled when his tail wagged a little only to be tucked between his legs as he hurried away.

Derek Hale ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now