Part 1.

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"Your so smart," I say, smiling and cupping Miguel's face, his hands on my shoulders, exchanging smiles to each other 'passionately'.

"That's just because I hang out with you so much." He chuckles and leans in to kiss me.

"Cut!" The director shouts.

"Ugh thank god, thanks for not making us actually record that kiss. Absolutely disgusting." I say harshly.

"Oh shut up! I can already smell your breath inches away from you. I feel bad for anyone who ever kisses you." Miguel says cruelly to me.

I roll my eyes and walk off the movie set, where Becca and Maddy were sitting, eating some of the pizza that the directors had previously ordered for us.

"So, did you do the scene?" Maddy asks, watching me flop onto the couch opposite them.

"Yea, but I pleaded into them cutting the scene short so he didn't actually have to kiss me."

"Oh come on! It's just an actors kiss, it's not like it would've been real anyways." Becca explains.

"A kiss is a kiss!" I say, leaning forward and taking a slice of pizza from the box.

I sigh. "Anyways, did you guys finish filming for today?"

"Yeah we're all finished, what about you,?" Becca replies.

"I've got one more scene and it's the scene with Jacob."

"Oh alright then, we're gonna head back to the hotel, we'll catch you later okay?" Maddy says to me.

"Alright, have fun!" I say, watching them stand up and exit the building.

Waiting for the director to come out and collect me for the next scene, I take my phone out of my pocket after finishing my slice of pizza, and I scroll through my phone on TikTok.

I find myself tutting looking at Robin Arellano edits from the first movie. I don't see what people see in Miguel. Of course, I wasn't in the first movie, so people have no idea that I'm in this movie yet, not until the premiere anyways. Once the trailer comes out people will start questioning who I am, because I'm gonna be in most of the scenes.

The only things coming up on my For You Page were Robin Arellano edits, people dancing and lip syncing, or normal Black Phone edits.

I tried to resist rolling my eyes every time I saw an edit of Miguel. But at the same time I couldn't help but realise how much the cast has grown since the first movie. Everyone was now 15, 16 and 17 years old, so those were the ages confirmed in The Black Phone 2. So they've all matured pretty well since the first movie.

Eventually after thinking to myself and scrolling through TikTok, I'm called in for my next scene with Jacob. I didn't mind him. We were good friends but also didn't speak that much. Only when we were on set did we ever speak. In fact I never really spoke to any of the boys when we're in the hotel. Because they're always with Miguel.


Me and Jacob finished our scene. It was now getting late so we got the same ride back to the hotel where everyone was staying. The team had bought us the VIP room, which had two floors. It was basically our home now and will be for the next year.

It had a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, one for the boys, one for the girls, three bathrooms, two floors to it and a large window looking out to the city, along with a balcony.

There was also a gym, where Miguel and Brady spent most of their time anyways.


Me and Jacob walk into the hotel and go our separate ways once our hotel suite door was unlocked. I make my way to the girls room to see that nobody was there. They were obviously watching a movie in the living room with the boys.

I quickly change into some silk pyjamas, silk shorts and silk pyjama top. I brush my hair and put on a pair of sliders. Making my way to the kitchen, Maddy calls out my name, and she looks at me from the living room couch.

"Hey, Y/n! Come join us, we're watching a movie! We've got your favourite candy~!"

"Uh, no thanks." I look at Miguel sitting on the edge of the couch, eyeing me.

"I was just gonna get some food and go to bed, I had a long day of shooting today."

"Oh, okay then..." Maddy slowly turns back to the tv and continue walking to the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of milk and drink it. Then take a packet of crips and quickly eating it before heading back to the bedroom.

Removing my sliders, I get into my bed and cover myself with the sheets, closing my eyes and letting my mind wander, eventually falling asleep.

Please let me know if you like this chapter so far! Don't forget to vote if you want to, I'm a new writer so it could really help! Give me recommendations to for upcoming chapters!

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