Part 3.

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Madeleine sits me down on a fluffy stool in front of the white marble counter in the bathroom. She turns on the curler and Reagan gets out some face masks and make-up.

Bay gets out a hairbrush from the draws and some hair bands to get our hair out of our faces.

The curler finishes heating up and Madeleine starts to curl my hair in fine waves. We all talk and laugh as we do each others faces, hair and nails. We still had a lot to do.

The boys must've heard us because Mason, Miguel, Tristan, Jacob and Brady H were all standing in the doorway.

"Ooh, is this a girls night?" Jacob asks excitedly.

"Yeah, girls night." Becca laughs.

"Well sucks for you because now it's Girls and Boys night!" Mason walks into the bathroom and sits on the counter.

Brady H follows him and sits on the stool, Miguel sits on the edge of the bath tub, Tristan sits on the floor and Jacob sits beside Mason.

All of us girls burst out laughing and I lean forward.

"Careful Y/n I almost burnt you-!" Madeleine screeches.

"Sorry..." I giggle quietly.

Maddy eventually finishes my hair.

"Thanks Maddy, it looks so gorgeous!"

"Anytime Y/n!"

"Now someone do our skincare!!" Mason, Tristan and Brady shout.

"I'll order pizza," Becca says.

I walk over to Mason, Becca goes to Brady, Bay to Tristan and Reagan to Jacob.

We all start doing the boys skincare. Except for Miguel, who was sat on his phone.

"Okay, so, strawberry face mask, cucumber or charcoal?" I ask Mason.

He grins. "Cucumber face mask!" Mason says.

I nod my head and take a red head band, using it to push his hair back. I place my fingers on his chin and start applying the mask.

"It's cold." Mason says.

"Deal with it, or don't have it!" I smile.

We all hear the doorbell go off.

"I'll go get the pizza!" Becca says, walking out and leaving Tristan. Tristan and Miguel start talking, finally getting Miguel off his phone.

I finish applying Masons face mask and he looks at himself in the mirror. Becca walks back in and we all start eating the pizza.

"Guys, Miguel needs his skin done." All the girls smirk and turn to me.

"No, no no no no, no way am I doing his! You do it Becca!" I say.

"Sorry, busy doing Tristan's." She grins.

All the girls say they're too busy doing the other boys skincare. And I'm waiting for Masons face mask to settle anyway.

"Ugh. Fine." I mutter.

I walk over to Miguel and look at him.

"Head up." I say.

He looks up at me, taking his eyes off his phone. "What,?"

"Head up, looking at me." I say with no emotion or tone in my voice.

"No way, your not doing my skin-"

"Shut up and suck it up!" I say.

He sighs sharply and sits on the counter beside Mason so that I can keep an eye on Masons mask to. I take some moisturiser and start rubbing it into Miguel's face. He scrunches up his face and I tell him to relax. Even though we both were one hundred percent not relaxed.

"Okay, which face mask do you want?"

"Uh... the charcoal one." Miguel says to me. I take the charcoal mask and start applying it to his face.

"It's cold."

"Shut up."

After rubbing in the mask Masons was dry by now. I start peeling it off whilst he screeches spontaneously. I turn my head to see Becca doing stuff to Tristan's hair, Bay doing Brady's skincare, and Reagan doing Jacobs skin to.

I burst out laughing as Mason screeches, Miguel watching. Everyone chats, laughs, I'm having a fun time tonight.

"Okay, could you wash your face whilst I peel off Miguel's mask? Use the moisturiser to add the glow."

"Does it hurt bro?" Miguel looks at Mason whilst he speaks.

"Well what do you think?" Mason chuckles, and starts washing his face.

I turn to Miguel and start peeling off his face mask, not making eye contact. I don't know why I was even doing this guys skincare? Jesus. His face starts scrunching up, I could tell he was in pain, he was just getting ever so hard not to show it.

"You can show your pain you know." I speak up.


"Beauty is pain!" I grin. "Now go wash your face with Mason, he'll show you what to do."

After we all finished, all of us together began to take photos, in the mirror and just normal front camera photos. We looked all so happy in the photos, like a massive girl and boy group. But in most photos I tried to stay away from Miguel. Without thinking about it, me, maddy and becca post the photos on our Instagram.

"So guys, should we watch a movie tonight? It'll make the night way better!" Madeleine asks. We all agree and exchange smiles.


We all finish curling each others hair, face masks, and pedicures, so we turn off the bathroom lights and walk with each other to the living room.

"Where are Brady R, Jordan and Spencer by the way?" I ask.

"Oh they were already asleep." Tristan says. I nod and we all sit down. Everyone sat in random places beside one another, from left to right.

Brady H, Tristan, Becca, Jacob, Miguel, Mason, Me, Madeleine, Bay, and Reagan.

We all agree to watch Madeleine's sisters new movie.


Most of us had eventually fallen asleep, except for me, mason and jacob, so we all agreed just to let everyone stay asleep and sleep on the couch.

We talk for a bit and eventually I turn off the television and put blankets ontop of everyone. Even Miguel. How generous am I.

Me and Jacob make sure that everyone's comfortable, and we sit down, leaning back and eventually falling asleep in between Maddy and Mason.

We were all asleep.

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