Part 17.

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Mason and Madeleine take me and Miguel out to the kitchen, and everyone sits down at the kitchen island. Everyone is awake and sat down with us.

"So, what do you think we should do today?" Brady H asks, turning to everyone.

"What do you think y/n? You haven't chosen a day out yet." Tristan says.

"Uhm, well I don't know a bunch of popular places around here, but we could just go for a walk around the small town around the corner?" I ask. It sounded more boring when I said it.

"That sounds great! There's a gorgeous park there and loads of small shops, everyone agree?" Everyone agrees with us and we all walk into the corridor, putting on our shoes and walking outside to the limo and getting in. I sit in between Tristan and Brady H, I lean back against my car seat and look straight forward.


After a lot of talking about the premier tomorrow, we arrive at the town. We all get out the car.
"There's a boba shop down the street, we could head there and then take a walk around the park?" Madeleine says.
I smile and nod, me and Madeleine walk ahead of everyone else.

(Miguel's pov)
Y/n and Madeleine walk out in front of everyone and I walk between Mason and Tristan.
"So the kiss huh?" Tristan nudges my arm, I resist the urge to hit his forearm.
"Oh I uh..." I stutter.
"Oh come on Miguel, I walked into the room the second time you kissed! You looked so happy. So did she. See! Your staring at her right now!" Mason says.

"What- no I'm not..." I lie, taking my eyes off y/n and turning my head to Mason to my left.
"Mhm..." Mason says.

"Dude you've just gotta ask her out. Fans are gonna go wild once you guys are official. We get the red carpet photos this afternoon so we can post them, so everyone's going to be asking questions until you guys actually confirm it." Tristan says.

"Okay okay, I have a plan, don't worry." I say.
"And are you going to tell us what it is?" Mason raises his eyebrows, obviously waiting for an answer from me.

"Let's just say, Christmas is in four days." I grin slightly.

"Ah, I get it." Mason nudges me, Tristan chuckles.
"Oh, don't forget, we need to try and sneak out tonight to get the stuff for Madeleines birthday party tomorrow, remember, December 22nd?" Mason says to us.
"Yes yes, I remember." I roll my eyes and chuckle.

(Y/n's pov)
We walk into the boba shop and I order (your favourite bubble tea order) and everyone sits down at the tables, waiting for our massive order. Me and Becca look out the window, talking to each other, except I couldn't help but keep looking at Miguel. And seems he couldn't resist himself either.

Eventually our order is finished and we grab our drinks.

I walk out of the shop first and before we all take a drink, we walk to a brick wall and take a photo with everyone in it, the bubble tea in our hands, being shown to the camera.

Madeleine sends the photo to all of us from her phone and some of us post the photo on our stories and pages.

"The park is so beautiful, trust me. I once went there when I wasn't on yet last year, most peaceful place you'll find in this area." Madeleine says, smiling. She really does love this place a ton.


We enter the park gates. There was a large marble water fountain with a cupid statue sat on the top of it. There were benches beside flower patches and under roofed areas. Butterflies sat on flowers. Birds tweeting from the trees.

It really is gorgeous.

I take a whiff of the fresh air, and all of the girls start talking. Miguel walks out beside me.

"Hey." We say to each other.
"It really is beautiful, is it not?" Miguel says.
"That's giving me a bit of deja vu." We both laugh a bit.

"What bubble tea did you get?" He asks me.
"(Your favourite bubble tea) with tapioca pearls." I say.
"Can I try it? I've never tried it before..."
"Go ahead," I pass it to him and he takes a sip.

"God, that's the best bubble tea I've ever had!" He turns to me, his face bright.
"I'm having doubt... let me try yours." I giggle. He raises his eyebrows and grins, passing me his drink.

I take a sip of it. "Now that, is the best bubble tea, you have good taste!" I say to him, smiling as I turn my head to him.

"Swap drinks?" He tilts his head and smiles at me. God, his smile is so gorgeous. Why did I never realise this until recently.

"Totally." I giggle and pass him my drink, he gives me his and we continue walking in front of each other. I hear a photo being taken from behind us. Clearly Madeleine taking a photo of me and Miguel, but I didn't care anymore.

We continued walking out through the park, taking in the fresh air before a long day of filming ahead of us.

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