Part 28.

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Miguel sits beside me at the table. Elsie and Nathan sit at opposite ends with my mum and johns phones in front of each of them to keep them entertained. My mum and john sit opposite each other.

I look down at the table to see a large dinner set out on the table. Roasted vegetables, beef, chicken tikka noodles, rice, asparagus, a salad bowl and more extras.

"This looks amazing Miss Y/l/n." Miguel speaks politely. My mum nods her head.

"Thank you Miguel, at least I have someone who appreciates my food." She rolls her eyes.

"Hey-!" I hit her hand gently and she laughs. The twins just had plain rice and a couple of broccoli pieces and carrots. And their eyes were occupied, glued onto the phones playing YouTube videos.

We all start to tuck into our food, taking things off the plates and bowls and onto our own, I sip some of my water before my mum speaks up.

"So, Miguel, your family are on holiday, yes?" My mum asks him, as she takes a spoonful of rice and puts it in her mouth.

"Uh, yes they're in the Bahamas at the moment but their flights are delayed. So they're staying there for another three days." Miguel says. "I really hope your alright with me staying Miss Y/l/n..."

"Oh there's no worry in it! It'll be nice for Y/n to have some company. Other than that Mia girl." Mumma looks at me with a serious, bland face. I double take as I look at her and frown.

"Hey! Mia's a nice girl and my best friend! Oh and someone wake me up early tomorrow, Mia wants to see me." Mia was my best friend since I was younger. Yes, she is on the rude side, but she's been my closest friend for years. Her family is wealthy, and she is so gorgeous, I've always been so jealous of her. She spends loads of money whenever we go out, and can pull anyone she goes by.

"Hey, what about Miguel?" Mumma says, looking at me and raising an eyebrow.

"Oh," I turn my head to him and smile. "You can come if you want? Mia is really nice and she'd be happy to meet you!"

Miguel puts his hand on my knee and smiles. "Of course I'll come." He grins and I nod, smiling. I catch John rolling his eyes and I sigh, putting a fork full of carrot and broccoli in my mouth.

"So how long have you guys been together?" Mumma asks.

"Oh he asked me out on Christmas. It was adorable." I turn my head to him and we giggle to eachother a bit. I lean over as I laugh and he kisses me on the forehead.

A loud bang echos the room. John slams his hands on the table, throwing his cutlery onto his half empty plate and storming up the stairs. My mouth slightly opens in shock, watching him in disbelief as he walks into his room.

My mum gulps and slowly nods her head awkwardly.
"John is the... over protective type... he'll get over it eventually. He's just been so used to y/n being on her own, that's all." She says. Miguel slowly nods his head and bites his lip. My cheeks burn up in embarrassment.


We end up finishing our food, Elsie's plate still half full, but she'd argued with mumma that she was full and she didn't want any more, but we all knew she'd be asking for dessert any moment.

My mum tries to pick up all of the plates.

Miguel stutters and stands up, putting his hand out and pushing his chair back.
"I'll help with that, miss y/l/n." He smiles and my mums eyes glisten. Since I've left, no one's obviously been there to help her. I smile and lean back, folding my arms.

Miguel and my mum walk into the kitchen with all the dirty dishes, and I get Elsie and Nathan out of their chairs.

"Get over here the two of you." They walk over to me and I grab the wet wipes, wiping their faces clean from the small broccoli pieces and few pieces of rice that had missed their mouths.

"How about we get you changed into your pyjamas? It's getting late." They quickly nod their heads.


I carry both the twins upstairs and change them into their pyjamas. Elsie in a white onesie, and Nathan in an astronaut one piece. They walk to the bathroom and I help them to brush their teeth properly after their poor attempts.

"I want ice-cream!" Elsie shouts.

"Elsie, you've just brushed your teeth, and didn't you say you were full about five minutes ago?" I say calmly. Her voice suddenly goes higher pitched, shrieking at this point.

"I want ice-cream!!" I cover my ears and sigh once she's stopped squealing.

"Nathan how about you get yourself into bed, we'll be there in a minute!" Nathan begins to walk to their room.

"Hey, let's make a deal. You get into bed tonight, no fuss, and you do everything mum says tomorrow morning, me and Miguel will take you out for ice-cream, and you can have all the toppings you want on it." I grin and raise an eyebrow, lowering my head slightly.

"Hmm... chocolate ice-cream?..." She puts her hands behind her back, leaning forward and giving me this large, pearly boxy smile.

"Yes," I giggle. "Chocolate ice-cream."

"Yes!" Elsie shrieks, hugging my neck as she runs to her room. I stand up and roll my eyes jokingly, giggling and turning off the bathroom light. I walk to the twins room and tuck them in.


After switching off their light I shout down the stairs.

"Mumma im gonna go to bed! Night mumma, love you!"

"Love you to sweet!" She shouts. I walk to my bedroom to see Miguel laying on my bed. He had no shirt of and he was wearing a pair of black and white pleated pyjamas pants. I felt my cheeks burning up. My lip's pierced, I stare at him. It felt rude, but I couldn't look away. His muscles were so clearly shown and revealed, and his abs looked so defined and tanned. God.

"You done staring?" He says, laughing. I snap back into reality and shake my head. Walking into my room and closing my door behind me. Why's this boy got to be so good looking? He turns the led's purple and puts his arms out, gesturing for me to get into the bed.

"What if my brother storms in-..."
"Oh well, we only live once." Miguel grins. Gosh his smile is so gorgeous.

Slowly, I walk towards the bed and lay beside him. But instead, he wraps his arms around me and drags me on top of him. The side of my head on his bare chest. I hold my breath for at least forty seconds. His bare skin against mine other than where my crop top was. My face begins to go pink and I feel myself heating up.

He reaches his hand down and takes the blanket, lifting it up and onto us. He wraps his arms around me.

I then rest my elbows on each side of him on the mattress, lifting my head so my face was in front of his.

"Your so nice to my family, god you need to make me stop falling for you so hard! What is your plan in this?!" I say, giggling and putting my hands on the sides of his head, running my fingers through his hair. He looks so good with his hair down.

"That's exactly my plan, to get you to fall for me." He grins and looks at me, a small glisten in his eyes. I feel myself blush.

"Well, it obviously worked then." I giggle softly as I speak. He cups my cheeks and I keep my hands on the side of his head.

I lower my head and he kisses me passionately. It felt like time stopped. I close my eyes and kiss him back. My fingers continue to run through his hair and rub the side of his head gently. His thumbs rub and caress my cheeks as we kiss. God I love this boy so much. It's us against the world, and nobody can prevent that from us.

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