Part 35.

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We slowly pull up to a large villa. Two pillars are sky high reaching up to the roof by the front of the house, and a water fountain in the drive way about six foot high. Statues scattered.

Seven other cars are parked around the driveway, and I lean against the car window, trying to see into the large windows but even through them from this distance I couldn't see anything through them. Gosh.

Miguel takes my hand and drags me out the car. Immediately, music rings from inside the building. It pumps and I look back at the house.

"Miguel, where are we and what are you doing?!" He just smiles at me.

"I mean, it's not completely my doing." He says. One of my eyebrows raise as he walks me to the front door, the pumping music gradually getting louder and my heart begins to pound a little bit. What did he mean by that.

Before Miguel could even knock on the tall dark wood doors, they fly open.

And Madeleine stands before me.

A squeal leaves my mouth and so does she, we run to each other and hug her tightly. I watch as a smile appears on Miguel's face and he walks to a crowd of boys. Tristan, Mason, Brady and Jacob.

Me and Maddy take a step back and I look at her in disbelief. She was wearing a short black dress with frilly sleeves and frills at the bottom. Her hair was curled and she had warm make up on. She looked gorgeous.

"Maddy, you looks amazing,!"
"Bud girl look at you, oh my gosh!" We laugh and she hugs me again, guiding me inside and closing the doors behind me. She slowly walks me to a large room, like a ballroom but not quite the facilities for it.

Tristan, Jacob, Mason, Brady H, Brady R, Spencer, Jordan, Bay, Miguel and Becca follow behind us in a large crowd.

Two large speakers stand at the front of the room in front of me, and a massive balloon displaying the number 3.

"Why's there a number three,? I don't know if it's just me but it's way past my third birthday..." A crowd of giggles and chuckles echo from behind me and I slowly turn around to everyone laughing.

"No silly, this isn't for a second birthday!!" Madeleine shouts excitedly.
"Then what's it for?."

"We're gonna be filming The Black Phone 3 next year!!"

My feet freeze to the ground and my jaw basically hits the floor. Am I dreaming? Eventually, a loud squeal leaves my mouth.

"Oh my god your kidding!!" Madeleine quickly shakes her head and I laugh, hugging her tightly and everyone comes in for a group hug. Could I ever hear any news better than this?

Two hours later, everybody is still dancing. I'm dancing with Becca when Miguel walks over to me.

"Sorry, can I quickly pull y/n to the side for a second?" Becca nods and he takes my hand, he runs down a hallway and I follow him on.

We arrive on a massive balcony with marble flooring. A black railing stood and the view of the city lights lit shone before us. My feet slowly make their way to the railing and I put my hands on it, cold immediately settling on my palms as I smile.

He walks beside me and does the same.

"Y/n you've come so far. And you deserve it. You've literally almost got as many followers as me." We both laugh a little.
"But seriously, I think your the most gorgeous girl I've ever met in my entire life. Your personality is so sweet and your so caring towards everyone and anyone. Well. If you like them." Both of us laugh again and my head lowers. He lifts my head by my chin to look at him.
"I love you so much and I'm so glad that I met you. I don't know what I'd do without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes. A smile widens softly on my face.

"And you don't think I don't love you any less?..." We exchange smiles and he kisses me softly.

I can't wait to spend the next few years with this group of people. Without my girl friends I would've never became closer to Mikey. And Mason, of course, he's been there since day one.

This is the best life I could ever imagine and I can't wait to pursue it more, but I'm focused in this moment, with Miguel by me. This has been a massive journey and I wouldn't have enjoyed it without the people I love most.

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