Part 2.

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I slowly open my eyes to see Becca and Maddy already up and dressed for filming.

"Morning?" I slowly sit up, looking at them.

"Sorry we didn't wake you up... you were just so deeply asleep we didn't wanna wake you-" Becca turns to me.

"It's fine... i'm not on set today anyways..."

"Oh... god." Maddy says, her and Becca slowly turning to eachother.

"What is it?" I look at them curiously.

"Miguel isn't on set today either... just him... and you..." Becca says through her teeth.

"Ouch..." Bay says, walking into the room with Reagan.

"What! Please, tell me your joking." My voice suddenly goes stern.

"I'm most certainly not joking." Becca says.

Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Sorry y/n... we'll catch you later okay?" Reagan says.

"Yep... see you..." I mutter, all of them leaving the room to go film at the studio.

A few minutes later I get out of my bed and slide on a pair of sliders. I pick out a pair of grey joggers and a white crop top to wear, and put them on. I make my bed and do my makeup and hair.

I go for a natural looking makeup look, and straighten my hair.
God. I'm gonna be home alone with Miguel. This is not going to be fun. Unless I find somewhere in the city to go, but I know barely any sites around here.

I turn the bathroom light off and walk out of the bedroom, and upstairs, hoping that Miguel wouldn't be there.
Phew. He must still be in bed. Lazy asshole.

Making my way to the kitchen, I get myself a white marble bowl and put two pieces of weetabix in it, filling it with milk. I put the bowl on the kitchen island and sit on one of the stools in front of the island.

Whilst happily eating my weetabix I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

"Morning." I hear, coming from the doorway.

"Morning." I mutter, not looking up from my bowl and just continuing to eat. I don't think either of us wanted to talk to each other since yesterdays scene.

He pours himself some cereal and I hear the bowl fill up with milk. He sits on the stool two seats away from me and we both eat in silence, not daring to say a word.

After my bowl was empty I take the bowl over to the kitchen counter and place it inside the dishwasher. I turn it on.

"Hey, I haven't finished my dish why'd you turn it on!" He shouts from behind me.

"Whoops, I'm sorry, guess your gonna have to wash it by hand." I turn to him and grin widely as I speak.

I then turn around and leave, making my way to the living room and sitting down on the couch and switching on the television. I feel his angry hot eyes glaring at the back of my head intensely, but I ignore it completely.

I watch Manifest on the large flat screen television and lean back and enjoy it, completely forgetting who I'm home alone with. I have around four hours until everyone gets back, four hours until the air isn't so tense in the house.


"What're you watching?" Miguel says, walking into the room.

"Why do you care?"

"Because i'm bored and I want to do something."

I snicker.

"Well you must be extremely bored if you've come in here just to talk to me."

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