Part 25.

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I slowly open my eyes to hear Becca crying. I'd never seen her cry before.
Last night was rather tired and quiet, we were all so bummed and barely spoke to each other whilst eating the dinner that we'd just heated up in the microwave. And now it seemed to be hitting Becca.

Quickly, I get up from my bed and walk over to hers, sitting beside her and gently lifting her up so she was sitting up, and I hug her gently, whilst she cries softly into my shoulder.

"I don't wanna leave you guys..." She trembles.

"I know, I don't either, but there's no doubt that The Black Phone 3 wont be confirmed, so I'm sure we'll all get to film together again. Think about the good times, the memories we all made together, the premier, the absolutely fantastic, funny days on set. It's all so amazing to look back at and that's what you've gotta think about." I say to her, looking her in the eyes.

She giggles a small bit, slightly shakily as she wipes her teary eyes, nodding her head.

"Your such a good person y/n, I don't know what any of us would do without you... Miguel is so lucky to have you and I'm so extremely lucky to have met you." She says, smiling.

Now I'm beginning to get upset.
"Says you," I say, grinning and holding her close, hugging her for what felt like ages.

"Oh and uh, the directors said they'd put away all our Christmas decorations so don't worry about it..." Becca says, sniffing. I nod my head.


I drag my suitcases down the stairs, preventing the tears in my eyes from freeing themselves. Everyone's at the door. Madeleine is balling her eyes, and Miguel has tears coming up. Becca is crying again, so is Brady R, Bay, Reagan, Tristan and Jacob. Brady H, Jordan, Mason and Miguel are clearly holding back tears.

Just looking at everyone else cry, I feel my tears coming up, I just can't stop them anymore. I drop my suitcases by the door and hug Madeleine tightly, letting all my tears out and crying into her shoulder. Tears stream down my face and I gasp every now and then. She hugs me tighter and she digs her head into my neck, crying to.


Mason then walks to me and hugs me, placing his chin on the top of my head and I sniff, hugging him with my head in his chest, he eventually begins to cry.
"You've been the best friend the past few years Mason." I say, crying my words.
"I could say the same about you..." He smiles, his voice shaky as I hug him again.

I get more hugs from Spencer, Tristan, Brady R (who was sobbing his eyes out), Jacob, Jordan, more from Becca, Bay and Reagan.

Brady H then walks to me. He hugs me and I hug him back. He finally begins to cry after ages.
"You've been such an amazing addition to this cast... I really hope to see you again y/n..." He says, stuttering.
I giggle my tears shakily as I speak.
"You better visit one day and play some guitar for me." I say. He chuckles lightly.

"I'll make a song just for you." He says. I smile and nod, then turning to Miguel. I walk over to him and fall into a hug, sniffing as he continues to hold in his tears, just a singular tear rolling down his left cheek.


We all walk out of the hotel, holding each others hand and suitcases gloomily, most of us still crying, and everyone red and puffy in the face.
Madeleine walks to me and hugs me again.
"I love you so much y/n, your the best friend I could ever ask for, I hope I see you again one day... you made this movie so much better and I'm going to miss you so severely." She sobs.

"Madeleine, don't say that your gonna make me cry more... your one of the best things that's ever happened to me, you my best friend and that's all I need. I love you to, I hope I can see you again." We sob together as we continue to hug each other tightly.

I get another hugs from every individual cast member, we all thank the crew as well, and I get multiple 'I'll miss you' 'Your the best addition' 'Have an amazing year' 'I love you so much y/n' from every cast member.


Still sobbing, I slowly get into the car with Miguel. Knowing I'll probably not see any of the other casts faces for ages. At least I have Miguel for an extra few days. I continue sobbing and he begins to cry a slight bit, he holds my hand and hugs me once we get buckled in.

The driver begins to drive off in a different directions, all of our cars going different ways, and I sob into Miguel's chest, whilst he hugs me the whole entire way home.

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