Part 29.

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My eyes slowly open. Immediately, I hear gentle heartbeats in my ear. I just simply smile as I cuddled into Miguel's chest. The love of my life. The boy I suddenly fell for... he was so warm and loving... I felt so safe... a smile appears on my face listening to his every heartbeat... the boy I love, the boy for me.


The light beams through the blinds, shining onto my eyes, I lift my hand to cover up the sun from hitting my face, and I slowly turn my head once I hear a croaky voice.

"Morningg~..." He says, his voice croaky and deep. I've never heard his morning voice, but gosh does it sound admiring.

"Morning," I smile, running one hand through his hair and kissing his cheek. He wraps his arms around me and digs his head into my shoulder blade. A giggle leaves my mouth.

"How'd you sleep amor?..." He says quietly.

"Much better now that I'm in my own bed..." I lower my head and smile, I feel him slowly move his head upward and downwards.

I flinch when I hear my door fly open so hard it hits the wall behind. A small shriek comes out of my mouth and I feel Miguel shriek a bit and lift his head. My head turns to see John at my bedroom door.

His eyes were red... veiny... his face was slightly going purple and red in anger... his fists were slightly clenched... he gulps, his adams apple lifting and lowering... god why's he got to be so overprotective... he eyes Miguel, and I slowly roll off Miguel's chest... he accepts and let's go of me...

"Yeah that's right, get your dirty hands off my sister..." I sigh, disturbed, lowering my head and slowly shaking it as I sit up. I feel less weight on the bed. Miguel stands up. I look at him, shirtless... his fists clenched and his muscles basically popping out... just wearing pyjama pants...

"Okay man look, if you wanna interfere with your sisters love life, try to do it more subtly, but just don't do it at all man, it's not cool." Miguel says, clearly trying to keep calm. But John looks like he's about to burst, and he storms into my room towards Miguel.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME? SHE'S MY SISTER AND I CARE ABOUT HER, YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO! YOU GOT THAT TWERP?!" John shouts. I flinch and cover my ears as the bed vibrates from his echoing voice. Mumma has clearly gone to work, otherwise she would've been up here immediately. I can't imagine what the twins are thinking.

Miguel begins to raise his voice.
"Okay, I get that she's your sister, and you care about her. I care about my family more than anything to. But she's not a toy?! You can't control her and suddenly lash out at her boyfriend, who very clearly loves her more than anything! You don't bother to make an introduction and you immediately take a disliking to him! You really are an asshole!" Ohh jesus, what am I gonna do.

John goes to grab Miguel.
"JOHN!!" I shout. He's getting too out of hand. But just in time, Elsie shows up at my doorway, rubbing her eye. John slowly turns around. He has a soft spot for the twins.

"W-what's all the shouting?..." Tears run down Elsie's face. John walks over to her and picks her up.

"I just got a little bit mad... and so did 'Miguel'..." He speaks sternly. "Let's go get breakfast..." John walks downstairs with Elsie in his arms.


I slowly rise from my bed and walk in front of Miguel, he releases his knuckles and hands and I look at him.

"I know John can be a bit mad sometimes... well... a lot... but you've just gotta ignore him... you didn't have to do that for me... he'll come around eventually..." I say.

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