Part 8.

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This whole chapter is in Miguel's pov, keep that in mind! Enjoy! ❤️

I watch as Y/n, Becca, Madeleine, Bay and Reagan all walk to the kitchen. Mason sits on the couch beside me, his arms stretched out along the back of the couch behind him. Tristan sits on the floor, his legs crossed, Brady R beside him, Jordan, Spencer and Brady H sat on the floor leaning against the wall. They all look at me intimidatingly.

"Oh god, guys just don't ask what I think you're gonna ask."
As if he had completely just ignored my question, Jordan speaks. "So, why did you and y/n come back to the living room yesterday at the exact same time, together?"

"Nothing happened between us okay? She's an asshole, who only cares for herself." That was debatable. What am I? What am I even saying? My head goes back to the moment we shared in the bathroom. We never spoke about it.

"Of course she doesn't, why would you guys come back together? Just tell us what happened and we won't bug you about it ever again." Tristan says.

"Fine. I was in the bathroom with things running through my mind. And y/n barged in and started talking, trying to cheer me up. Then she um... she held my hand."
"And did you hold her hand back?" Spencer asks.
"Well... yeah..." I say hesitantly.

"So do you like her?!" Mason asked excitedly.
"Hey, slow down buster, you said that you wouldn't bug me about it."

"No." I say sternly, my tone going deeper and changing intensely.

I sigh and lean back. But she was being really nice to me... maybe she just isn't as bad as I thought... even those kind words she said to me when we all got back from golf, that was the last thing I ever expected her to say to me.

"I..." I take a moment to get my words out, all of the boys look at me.
"I don't know if I like her. We've basically been mortal enemies ever since the moment we met for the first time. It's just weird."

"But think about it, you guys became enemies for basically no reason, and it just carried on, and unfortunately for you, your characters are basically in love in the movies." Mason says.

"And you can tell since yesterday that she's trying her hardest to be nicer to you." Tristan says.

"So next time she does, don't just nod your heads." Says Spencer.

"Actually use words next time, girls think they've hurt you when you don't speak." Brady R says.

"What would you know about girls?" Brady H says to Brady R. Brady R nudges Brady H hard and we all laugh.

"I don't know. I'm gonna have a think about it. Me and y/n have a scene together tomorrow anyways so it'll be confirmed whether she's changed towards me by tomorrow." I say, looking down at the boys on the floor.

"Right, well." Tristan stands up. "It's my turn to make dinner so I'll be on my way, you guys coming?"

We all nod and follow him to the kitchen, where we found the girls sitting at the kitchen island hovering around the laptop, clearly spending their money and online shopping. God.

I saw down at the end of the kitchen island so that I had a good sighting of everyone. Tristan turns on the oven and starts cooking us some cottage pie.

"Hey, guys?..." I hear y/n say. I turn my head to her, my chin rested against my hand.
"Madeleine and Mason already know but uhm... more than half of The Black Phone fandom have found my account... saw the photos from the spa night... realised how I know you guys... and well um... it's spoiled everything..." Tears begin to fill her eyes. Madeleine hugs her tightly, I sit there and watch.

"Shh, it's not your fault, it was basically everyone's fault for not thinking about it and allowing us to post those pictures publicly. There's no going back."

Y/n wipes her tears and hugs Maddie back, the rest of us listen and sigh softly. I guess it wasn't really her fault, Maddie was right, none of us were paying attention that night and weren't thinking straight. But, I've also never seen y/n cry, except for when she was talking to me in the bathroom, but that wasn't a cry, she was just talking normally.


Tristan finished making dinner and we all eat, silence filled the room every now and then but someone would always start up a conversation. I finished my dish first and put it in the dishwasher. Without saying anything to anyone, I walk out to the boys bedroom.

We all had a big day of filming tomorrow, Mondays were always big. So we all made an agreement to not stay up too late tonight.

I change into a pair of red pleated pyjama pants and I remove my shirt. Removing my sliders, I get into my bed and lay down, closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about the current situation with y/n. I sigh and roll over, just to see Mason at the end of my bed. I jump.

"Jesus, perra!" I accidentally speak a bit of Spanish. Ah crap, I just called Mason a b*tch in Spanish. It's fine, Mason doesn't even know how to speak it anyways.

"Why were you just standing there like that?!"

"I know you like y/n. You can't stop looking at her, I know you're thinking about her too. You've never slept that rough before, not since y/n and you had that moment in the bathroom together. She's on your mind. You think about her consistently. You like her idiot!" Mason rants to me.

"Okay, okay! Can we just speak about this tomorrow? I just wanna get to sleep, I'm tired and I have a lot of scene with y/n tomorrow anyways!"

"Fine." Mason says.

All of the boys start to pile into the boys bedroom and get ready into bed.

After around an hour of tossing and turning, I finally fall asleep.

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