Part 11.

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I woke up to be facing my bed side table, my phone lit with notifications galore. Right, we all posted videos from last night.
I smile.
Last night. The best night of my life. I turn on my phone and go onto Instagram. I look at everyone's accounts, their stories with videos from last night. All of us singing and dancing together. I giggle at some of the videos.
Suddenly, something enters my mind. I'd never followed Miguel, or even viewed his account.
I search it up.
'official_miguelcazarezmora ✔️' comes up. I click on it and view his story. There was a video of me and the girls singing, a video of Mason and mine's duet, and the video of Brady H and Tristan's 'emotional' song. I giggle. On the video of me and the girls, Miguel wrote something.

'Thanks for the amazing night guys, y/n is an amazing singer, make this girl famous 😉' I feel my cheeks going pink but I ignore it and watch the rest of the videos, screen recording them and rolling over.

I scream.

"Fuck, Maddie get out my face-!" Her face was right in mine, looking over my shoulder.
"You like Miguel, I know you do! Your just denying it, your not letting yourself believe it."

I sit up and she does the same so that we're eye to eye level.

"I-..." I hesitate slightly before I say anything else. "I don't know if I like him... we were arguing on set just a week ago! The premier is in two days. We can sort it out after that."

Becca shrieks from behind me. "And then the week after that is Christmas!" She giggles.
"I hope it's a white christmas-" Bay says.
"Bay I think that you've forgotten that christmas is gonna be like 40 degrees on christmas here this year-" Reagan says.
"Right-" Bay says.

I giggle. I'm excited to spend Christmas with these guys, they're my home. Other than my real home of course. And I get to see my family at the premier in two days! There's so much to be excited for.

"Okay, maybe I do have a small crush on him, but that doesn't mean anything." All of the girls scream. "Jesus, calm down! Your gonna wake up the boys!"

"We can all hear you anyways." Mason stands at the door way, crossing his arms and looking at me.
Crap! So Miguel knows that I 'kind of' like him?!
"Your lucky that Miguel is still asleep. He was up the longest yesterday." Mason adds on.
I let out a sigh of relief and lean back, putting my hand on my chest.
"But the rest of us know." Mason smirks.
"None of you better tell him, or else I'll beat your asses when I find out he knows." I say, pointing at him, and the girls.
Everyone nods so I know they've understood me.


After telling everyone that I know they won't listen to me anyways, I'm just gonna be cautious around Miguel and try not to talk to him to much.
'y/n's an amazing singer'
'y/n's an amazing singer'
'y/n's an amazing singer'
'y/n's an amazing singer'
It just continues to repeat in my head what Miguel had mentioned on his story. I sigh softly and sit at the kitchen island. Brady R pours me a bowl of cereal, Tristan beside him.

"You alright?" Tristan says, passing me a glass of water, and he continues to eat his cereal.
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I say. Brady slides the bowl of cereal to me.
"You've just been quiet this morning. The complete opposite of yesterday night." Brady says, he eats his toast after he finishes speaking.
"Just tired." I smile a bit.

Madeleine walks into the kitchen with Miguel. MIGUEL. She better not have told him a single word.

"So we're thinking on going christmas shopping today once we've finished filming. Everyone finishes around 1pm today so we can go christmas shopping at about 2? Just to decorate the hotel room a bit!" We all nod.

"Great" Miguel says, taking a cereal bar and eating it.


We all get ready and set off in the cars to our filming spots. I had a few scenes on my own today so it was just me and the film crew. It's a bit lonely on set without the others. They make it more entertaining and fun.


I finish filming and get my normal clothes on, but I decide I'll take the makeup and hair out once I get to the hotel. I'm dropped off in the car at the hotel and I walk inside. Nobody is home yet. Probably on their way back now.

I decide to have a shower to help get the makeup off, I have an hour until we all go Christmas shopping anyways.

Entering the girls ensuite bathroom, I turn on the shower and get in, removing my clothes and mainly washing my face and hair to remove all of the hairspray and makeup.


Once I get out the shower I hear everyone talking upstairs, so everyone's home now. 13:30. We have half an hour. I towel-dry my hair and change into a more comfy outfit, and jordan 4's. I blow dry my hair, do my skin care and small amount of make up, and go upstairs.

"Hey y/n!" Spencer says.
"Hey guys!" They all smile at me and I sit down with them.

"So whose ready to go christmas shopping?!" Becca shouts excitedly, everyone cheers.

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