Part 12.

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We all get into the large limousine and get buckled in. The driver starts driving to target. Everyone talks on end, smiling the whole time. I lost christmas, personally, I think it's the best holiday ever. I have amazing memories on christmas, no doubt I'll have more by this year.


We arrive at target, me and Bay run to the shopping carts, and Tristan sits in the one I was pushing.

"God sake Tristan-" I hear a chuckle come from him and we all walk inside. Immediately, there's christmas songs in our ears from the speakers, christmas decor everywhere.

"Jesus, where do we start?" Jordan asks.
"I say the christmas tree isle so we have a fair bit of knowledge on how much tree decor to get." I say.
Everyone agrees with me and we run to the Christmas tree isle, laughing as I almost bump the cart into a shelf with Tristan in it.
"You do know your gonna have to get out ant some point don't you?" I look at him.
"I'll just cuddle with the decorations." I giggle and we look at the trees.

"We've gotta go all out with the tree! This is a one time opportunity guys." Madeleine says, laughing.
We pick out a large green tree that was at least 10 foot tall, probably taller. The hotel roof was pretty high up anyways and we wanted it to almost be touching the ceiling.

Me and Mason carry the tree and put it in Bay's cart.
"DECOR TIME!!" Tristan shouts, and we all run to the isles full of decorations.

Out of nowhere, Becca, Reagan and Brady R run off to the clothing section.

"Where are they going?" I turn to the rest of them and they all shrug, we sigh and wait in the same spot, standing there and waiting for them to come back.

After around six minutes we hear loud trainers running across the marble floor, and they come back with their hands full with 9 pairs of identical christmas pajamas. They all had pleated bottoms and black t-shirts, but the girls ones were black crop tops with noodle straps.

"Matching pajamas!!" Becca shouts, they all chuck them into the cart. I turn to Miguel and Mason, and we all laugh, just simply agreeing with it.


We all run around the shops, taking photos on way of us wearing stupid christmas accessories, mainly us doing poses to the camera, and more than half of them had Tristan in the cart doing a kissey face.

Once we all had the christmas decorations in the carts, we went to the till.

"That adds up to $1204.87." The cashier says. We all slowly turn to each-other.
"We got that much?..." I say.

Eventually we all come to an agreement and we all pay our halves of the decorations, we put all the decor in bags and walk out, me and Jordan carrying the tree.


After a long struggle of getting all of the Christmas decorations inside (especially the massive tree), we all slouch on the couches, everyone breathing heavily. I laugh and stand up.
"Come on lazy heads."


We begin decorating, starting off with the tree. We take photos every now and then of each other ok the ladder to put decor on the tree.

Whilst everyone is finishing off the tree, me and Miguel are told to decorate the hallway and the bedrooms. We finally agree after a while and take bags of decor to the corridor. Both of us start hanging things on the walls and putting things on the floor.

"So... what's your favourite holiday y/n?..." Miguel says to me, turning to me.
"Oh, definitely christmas, it's so happy, and I have so many amazing memories that come with it. Everyone's happy, and all of the bright colours and lights everywhere make me feel so warm and happy on the inside. What about you?" I look at him.
"Oh mines definitely gotta be Christmas." He smiles at me.

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