Part 16.

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Madeleine, Becca, Reagan and Bay are all sat around me on my bed. Legs crossed. Intrigued to listen to my story on how my first red carpet event went. I sigh and begin talking.

"So... when Madeleine got taken away... I felt dizzy, Miguel came over and held my hand." They all shrieked.

"OH MY GOD!!" Madeleine shouts. I cover her mouth and laugh.
"Jesus, they're gonna hear you! Most of the boys are probably asleep..." I whisper.
"Sorry..." Maddy says.

"Then, he walked me onto the red carpet, and we held hands the whole way down until we got separated for a minute to do single pictures." I smile to myself. "And people actually wanted to take photos of me!" I beam.

"I told you so!" Becca says, grinning widely.

"So then, a paparazzi asked Miguel to put his hand on my waist for a photo... and he did..." They scream even louder. I tackle them all and cover their mouths with my arms, and I burst out laughing.

"I told you guys to shut up!"
"Anyways, he kept his hand there the whole way down until we got to the fans. People wanted me to sign their cards!"

All the girls beam at me. I giggle.

"Then my mum appeared with my siblings! The twins asked me to marry Miguel... my family likes him!"

"That's a good sign." Bay winks at me and I roll my eyes, laughing a bit.

"Then the rest of the night me and Miguel signed cards, took photos and all that together." I smile.

They all giggle.
"Just ask Miguel out already!" They all say.

"Well ehm-" I hesitate, crossing my arms and look at them all.
"After I tell you this do you guys promise not to freak out?" I ask them, looking at all four of them.

"Promise!" They shout excitedly, leaning in.

"So... when I went out to get water Miguel was in the balcony and called me over... we kind of spilled our guts and well... he kissed me... and I kissed him back..." They all scream. My ears throb.

"Jesus!!" I cover all their mouths with pillows.

"Your joking?!" Madeleine shrieks.

"I'm not kidding." I giggle, my cheeks going bright red.

"I think I'm going to faint-" Bay says, leaning back against Reagan.

They all start asking constant questions that I couldn't even keep up with. Most of them were pretty stupid and all had obvious answers.

"But it doesn't mean anything! We aren't dating!" I say.
Becca turns to me and winks.

"Yet." She says.


My eyes slowly open, to see the bathroom light on. God it's morning already? I pick up my phone to check the time.
Seven in the morning.
I stand up and slowly walk over to the bathroom to see Madeleine getting ready.

"Why're you up so early?..." I rub my eyes.
"The producers are letting us take the day off because we were up so late yesterday. Making the most of it." She smiles at me and I roll my eyes, giggling slightly and I sit down, turning on the straighteners and starting to do my make up.

"Do you think the boys know about the kiss between you and Miguel?" She asks, not looking at me as she's focusing on doing her make up in the mirror.

"I mean... I don't know, probably." I say, also focused in the mirror on straightening my hair. We have a small conversation whilst I finish off my hair and makeup, then she passes me an outfit to wear for the day, I put it on.


We make our way downstairs, Reagan, Bay and Becca were still asleep so we decide to make the most of it by cleaning the house and sorting out the Christmas decorations.

Whilst cleaning up the kitchen, Miguel and Mason walk into the room. Miguel smiles at me and I give him a petit smile back. Mason gives Madeleine a face as if to say 'did she tell you?' And Maddie grins back like she was saying 'yep.'.

So now it's confirmed that the boys know to. I sigh and finish up cleaning.

"I'll skip breakfast for today." I smile and walk to the living room, sitting down and turning on the television. I decide to watch (your favourite movie) and I cross my legs. Becca walks in.

"Nice lay in?" I look at her, tilting my head and laughing, she looks hungover, obviously she's underage but she's just tired and I know that.

"Shut up... I was having a good dream but Brady R woke me up..." She groans and sits beside me, watching it with me.


Eventually Becca wakes herself up, well actually after a few miniature conversations.

Miguel walks in.
"What're you guys watching?" He says, standing up and looking down at us. Becca smirks. Fuck.

"I'll leave you two alone." She says.
"No Becca plea-" Before I could finish my sentence, she leaves the room. Miguel sits beside me and we watch a bit of television. I suddenly feel a slight bit of guilt, turning to him.

"I'm so sorry I told the girls, they were so desperate to know what happened, and I'm so sorry about how they act around us-!" I say to him, he turns to me.

"Hey, it's fine, honestly. I told the boys, they're just better at hiding it." We both laugh a bit. He then looks at me, smiling. I smile back. He just stares at me, the television still playing in the background.

He holds my cheek, leans in and kisses me gently, I kiss him back.


We kiss for three seconds max, because Madeleine and Mason walked in.

Ah shit.

They pause in their tracks and look at us. Miguel turns his head around, his hand slowly lowering from my cheek. Their jaws were basically on the floor. Madeleine breaks the silence by shrieking.

I lean forward and laugh, so does Miguel, and Mason claps sarcastically.

"Jesus, perfect timing guys." I say, smiling.

"I know right!" Madeleine says. We all laugh.


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