Part 36.

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Two years later.

The computer switches on, set on the glass table with the black backdrop behind the two chairs in front of the camera. The chair on the right is pulled out for me and I smile softly, nodding my head and sitting down on it. Miguel sits on the one to my left.

The interviewer is on a zoom call, presented clearly on the screen and they recall that the recording has begun.

Interviewer: "Hello everyone, today we are with the Miguel Cazarez Mora and Y/n Y/l/n, both known to be the famous couple from The Black Phone. So, you guys have been said to be the power couple of the movie. Would you consider this to be true?"

"Well," I laugh a little, slightly flustered. "I wouldn't say the power couple but, you could say we're a good one." Miguel smiles and nudges me after I speak.

Miguel: "Yeah exactly, totally flustered that people think that of us but wouldn't describe us as that exactly."

The interviewer smiles softly at us through the screen.
Interviewer: "Fair points, so, when y/n first entered the cast, and had a warm welcome, what were your first impressions on each other? Was it love at first sight?"

A small giggle falls out my mouth, folding my arms and leaning back into the chair, Miguel lowering his head and letting out a chuckle.
"Well.. I wouldn't say it was exactly love at first sight... let's just say we had our differences for a little while." I turn my head slightly to see Miguel trying to hold in a laugh. We both still joke about those times.

Interviewer: "Intriguing. Miguel, how do you feel about all of the fans of jealousy since you and y/n announced your relationship?"

Miguel grunts slightly and chuckles.
Miguel: "Uh, well it was clear that a lot of people did fancy me, people still say things like 'I don't see them being together long' or 'They don't suit each other' But others were more kind towards it and said we looked good together. And to all the jealous people, this is how I choose to live, okay?" He grins mischievously at the camera and puts an arm around me.

Interviewer: "So, you guys have been together for two years now, have you got any future plans?"

"Actually, we have been making plans on moving in with each other," Me and Miguel appear to turn our heads towards each other and smile warmly. "Things have been moving forward recently and I want to spend the rest of my life with him," I look back at the camera. "And I know that I won't regret any of these decisions."

Miguel: "I couldn't be any less excited to be moving in with y/n. We've bought a villa, but cozy enough for us to still feel like normal people. She's my one and only and nothing will change that, I wanna be with her forever." He smiles widely and the interviewer appears to smile back at us.

Interviewer: "And, finally, can you tell us any spoilers on The Black Phone 3?"

"Ehm, well Scott and the other producers had strictly forbidden us for saying anything about it, we're still in filming but we're closing to finishing. Maybe in a few months or so. I'm gonna stand by their words." Miguel nods and smiles at my answer.

Interviewer: "Right, should've known." He chuckles a little. "It's been great speaking to you guys, and I cannot wait to see any future projects you two have for us and I'm so happy for you guys."

Miguel: "Well, we'll see what's to come." We all smile and the interviewer stops the recording.

Interviewer: "That was amazing, thank you guys. Bye now,"
Miguel: "Cya,"

Two months later.

Maddy walks over to me. I lay still on the black leather couch and she looks me up and down.

"Y/n, your on set next, cmon!!" She squeals.

My arms lower to my stomach and waist and I tug at Miguel's arms. His arms were wrapped around my waist, laying on our sides on the couch as he pulls me closer to him.

"Two more minutes?..." He mutters into my neck.

"One minute, max!" Scott shouts from the other room.

I laugh a little and hug his arms gently. Mason leans against the doorway opposite the couch on the far end of the room. He crosses one leg over the other and folds his arms. We make eye contact and he looks at me with a small grin/ smirk on his face. I smile back and he winks gently.

I cannot wait to watch my career grow, and to spend the rest of my life with the boy I love most, and all of my best friends. This is the best life I could ever ask for.

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