Part 5.

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"Hey, get up, it's Saturday." Madeleine is looking down at me, my eyes are barely open.

"And... what about it being Saturday?..." I say, my voice croaky already.

"You don't remember? We all agreed to hangout today, we don't film on weekends."

"Oh shit I forgot sorry..." I stretch, causing my voice to sound weird as I speak, and I slowly sit up, looking around.

"Put on your grey shorts and white hoodie, and let's go!" Maddie shouts, leaving the room.

I sigh softly and stand up, putting on the outfit that Maddie had picked out for me, and I put on my white nike pro's. I quickly put on a small layer of makeup, straighten my hair and run upstairs, to see everyone in the kitchen finishing off breakfast.

"I'll skip breakfast," I smile. Everyone puts their dishes away and we all get a limo to the movies. Nobody else except for Madeleine and Mason knew about fans knowing that I'm in the next movie. I'll tell them later. I take a deep breath.


We all arrive at the cinema and we get some food. We looked like a massive group so obviously people were staring at us. Most of the time I stuck to walking beside Bay and Maddie. Everyone follows each other to cinema room 6, and we all take our seats.

Everyone sits down, except for me and Maddie. I catch Becca smirking at Maddie, and Maddie takes the seat beside Becca. So the only seat left was beside... Miguel. Shit.

Just ignore him, don't think about it, just don't. I walk over and sit beside Miguel, keeping my head down when I take my seat, and I look up at the large cinema screen behold in front of my eyes.

I realise what movie we're watching. 'Bodies Bodies Bodies.'

We sit back and relax, watching the movie. All of a sudden a jump scare comes up on the screen. I lower my head, flinch and accidentally grab Miguel's sleeve.

Oh shit. I let go. Did he realise? I hope he doesn't freak out at me once we get out. I relax my body and cross my arms, exhaling deeply and lowering my head. Once I realise that the scarier scene was over, I look back up at the screen and continue to watch the movie.


The movie ends and we all walk out of the cinema. I catch Miguel eyeing me. I gulp. He must've noticed how I grabbed hold of his sleeve in the cinema. We hadn't said a word to each other. I sigh softly and we all get back into the car.

On the way back we decide to hit up the radio and start singing. Tristan and Mason were the loudest, of course. I burst out laughing every now and then, but continue singing loudly. I catch Miguel looking at me every now and then, but I ignore it.


We make it back to the hotel and we all get inside, everyone talking about how good the movie was and we go our separate ways to our bedrooms, just to refresh ourselves before dinner.

It was Becca's turn to cook dinner so we all sat at the kitchen island, talking.

Becca finishes making the pasta and we all start eating. I was sat beside Jacob and Bay, and we spoke about the movie, but I never mentioned what was going around TikTok and Instagram to anybody else yet.


I'm one of the last to finish my pasta, and I put the empty dish in the dishwasher, leaving it off so everyone else can put their dishes in.

I go to walk to the girls bedroom to grab a book, but I see the bathroom door closed on my way there, light shining through the crack of the door at the bottom. Sobbing was coming from it. They obviously forgot to lock the door, because the lock was out to the side.
I knock on the door.

"Hey?..." Nobody replies. It couldn't have been anyone who hadn't finished their food yet. The only people who finished their food were Mason, Becca, Bay, Tristan, Jacob, Brady, Brady R and... I open the bathroom door...

... Miguel.

I look down at his sat on the bathroom door, leaning against the countertop behind him, tears all down his cheeks, I've never seen him cry before. I couldn't just leave. I go all soft whenever I see someone crying. Even if it is Miguel. I can't even believe I'm doing this.

I take a few steps in and close the door behind me, looking down at him. He clearly knew it was me.

"Go away." He says sternly.

I sigh. "No. What's up?" I say, sitting down beside him.

"Nothing. I said go away. Your the person I least wanna see right now."

"Wow, harsh." But I couldn't say anything mean, he was crying.

"Just tell me what's up."

We sit in silence for a couple of seconds, but he then speaks up.

"All this acting, the constant pressure, running around all the time, scared that I'm not good enough, that my acting isn't good. Afraid of the hate." He just keeps going and going.

"Hey. It's okay, slow down jesus." I put a hand on his back.

"Your literally most of these fans favourite person in the cast. Your an amazing actor. Amazing fighter, I rarely see any haters, in fact I never have! You're an amazing actor Miguel Angel Cazarez Mora." I smile, I couldn't believe I was saying this to him. I just suddenly turn into a massive softie when someone is crying or thinking that they're not good enough.

Miguel slowly turns to me. "Well your behaviour towards me hasn't made that very clear."

"That's because your behaviour towards me was a bit harsh." I explain to him.

"Fair." Miguel looks at the floor, sniffing and inhaling deeply.

I sigh and place my hand on his, extremely hesitantly, and I look at him. "You really are an amazing actor Miguel, people love you. I'm always terrified of people hating me when the movie comes out. I'm brand new to this cast, the only new person, absolutely nobody knows me." I know that I'm lying. But it's just to make him happier.

He looks down at the floor for a second. "I guess your right..." He wipes his eyes. "I can't even imagine being in your shoes..."

"Exactly." I say, smiling.

He chuckles a bit and wipes his tears, we lean back against the countertop and I hold his hand firmly, so that he knows that I'm always here and will always be here for him.

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