Part 20.

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(Time skip 1 day)

I sit up and stretch my arms. I slept like a baby, knowing that tonight was our last day of filming. Christmas is tomorrow, it sucks working on Christmas Eve, but it's so worth it. I'd already gone online and bought everyone their gifts.

Because our last filming locations is at Barbados for the final scene, it's going to be Christmas in the summer. We're spending Christmas morning in New York, so we can have our white Christmas, and heading back to Barbados to celebrate afterwards.


Madeleine turns to me and smiles, realising that Reagan, Becca and Bay have already gotten out of bed and left to go downstairs.

"Ready for the last day on set?" Madeleine's voice was croaky. She was clearly upset that todays going to be our last day as a cast. Unless The Black Phone 3 is confirmed.

"More ready than I'll ever be." I say, smiling and stretching at the same time, causing my voice to sound grouchy and Madeleine to begin giggling.


The both of us get ready and go downstairs to see that everyone was already waiting for us.

"Sorry we made you guys wait, but Happy Christmas Eve!" Me and Madeleine say.

"Happy Christmas Eve." Everyone seems to say at the same time. What a coincidence. We all walk outside and get into the cars. This was going to be the last time that we ever drive to set in our luxury cars.


I sigh and lean back in my seat, trying not to upset myself by holding my own hand. Biting my lip, I look out the window. It's going to be a long journey today to Barbados.

I take out my phone and scroll through it. Clicking on my page, I look at my follows, to see that I have 613K followers.

*99+ Notifications*

I decide to ignore them for now and scroll through TikTok. All I go by are edits of The Black Phone cast, people dancing and singing, or even edits of Me and Miguel. I can't help but smile at those specific edits. They were so adorable.

My heart fluttered every time I see an edit or thankful post on how honoured they were to meet me. And all of the edits of me and Miguel were so sweet and adorable. Even though we hadn't confirmed anytime of relationship - not even between each other. - everyone acted like we were really official.


The car parks up and my eyebrows raise. I slide my phone into my pocket and get out of the car. Everyone else does the same by the side of my car, and we head to our separate trailers.

My make up team does my make up, hair, and gives me my costume. It's a gorgeous 90s outfit. God I wish that we still wore clothes like this in reality.

The main girl of the team pats my shoulders and smiles at me.

"Kill it." She says to me. I grin widely and nod my head, leaving the trailer and walking out onto set, where everyone else was. My eyes mainly kept themselves on Miguel. His hair straight and slightly curled upwards at the bottom. His blue bandana around his head, his brown tank top and blue flared jeans. His character was pretty good looking.


Our final scene is everyone together, chilling out on a large table outside of a cafè in Barbados. We sit down in our seats and begin filming.


The last scene of the film was so fulfilling and fun to film. Suddenly, as if it had just kicked in, Tristan, Mason, Brady H, Madeleine, Becca, Reagan, Bay, Brady R and I begin to cry. We all hug each other, knowing there's going to be no more filming together. Praying that The Black Phone 3 will be confirmed.

I've hugged everyone but Miguel. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. I hug him around the torso and he hugs my tightly, kissing my head.

"We'll surely all film together again one day. Trust me." He kisses my head again and I slowly nod my head, wiping my tears away and smiling at him sorrowfully.

He chuckles and lightens up the mood.

"Come on guys, why the tears? It's Christmas tomorrow for god sake?!" He says. Everyone begins laughing slightly, most of the people who were crying do that sort of laugh you make when your crying and laughing at the same time.


The moment we all arrive back at the hotel, we rush inside and grab our matching pyjamas that we'd all bought weeks ago. Dark red pleated pants, black shirts for the boys, and black noodle sleeved crop tops for the girls.

Bay straightens my hair, and Becca curls Madeleines. We do the same to the others. Sliding our black fluffy socks on, we run upstairs to see all of the boys.

I turn my head to Miguel, his hair in a tight low ponytail, his baggy pleated pants and slightly oversized shirt on him. All the boys looked like they had the perfect fit of pyjamas.

"FIRST, PICTURES!" Madeleine shouts. We all run to the bathroom with the best lighting. The marble white counter, marble floor, white Christmas decorations that me and Miguel had put up, and the light bulbs around the mirror.


We all take photos on our phones, some in the mirror, some on the front camera, with our matching pyjamas on. Tristan and I constantly made kissy faces. In one photo, Miguel had his arm around me, his smile extremely wide. My heart fluttered.


At the kitchen counter, I take nine mugs total and begin making hot chocolate with Mason. We heat up the milk and put three teaspoons of the power in each cup.

"So, how was your filming experience like?" He leans against the kitchen island, turning his head to me and smiling.

"It was amazing, thank you so much for recommending auditioning to me. I don't know What I would've done without you Mason. Your the best bestfriend I could ever ask for." I hug him tightly, and he hugs me back, our smiles wide. I wasn't lying about what I'd said.


We put marshmallows in the hot chocolates with whipped cream, put them on two different trays and bring them to the living room for everyone. I sit between Tristan and Miguel, lifting my legs and bending them so they're to my side on the couch, and we all take photos, sat on the couch with our hands around the steaming hot chocolates.


Becca takes the remote and turns on the movie
'The Polar Express'. I watched this movie every Christmas Eve with my mum. What memories. Thanks Becca.

Throughout the movie I eventually finish my hot chocolate along with everyone else, and I hesitantly put my head on Miguel's shoulder. He doesn't seem to mind.

I feel a hand touch mine. And he intertwines our fingers. Everyone enjoys the movie, waiting for Christmas Day to come along.

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