Part 13.

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We all sit down in the living room. It looked so gorgeous with all of the christmas decorations covering the walls. We replaced the pillows on the couch with christmas cushions, after getting the hotel managers permission. We also added a couple of new blankets to the couch and our beds.

"You guys did a really good job with the corridors and bedrooms," Madeleine turns to me and Miguel. I smile at her.
"Thanks," We boat say, almost exactly in sync. It felt nice to not be arguing will Miguel practically every second of the day.

Every time I look down at the bandage wrapped around my hand that Miguel had applied to my burnt hand, I somewhat begin to blush every time. He was so caring, even to the people that he despises most.


We all talk for a while until it's time to go to bed.

"Whose on set tomorrow?" I ask. I find out that to only people who aren't on set tomorrow are me, Miguel, Bay and Tristan.

We all say goodnight and I change into a pair of black pyjama shorts with a white crop top. I say goodnight to the rest of the girls and get into bed. With the new Christmas quilts, blankets and pillows it was much more cozy. I stared at the Christmas tree in the corner of the room until my eyes began to close and I fell asleep eventually.


I wake up to Bay sat at the end of my bed. My head turns to her and she grins at me.

"You slept well." She says looking at me.
"What time is it-?" I ask.
"It's only 10am don't worry, everyone whose shooting just left, come on we're making breakfast." Bay says, jumping off the bed and running out.

A sigh comes out of my mouth and I put on a pair of sliders, quickly brushing my hair and walking downstairs to the kitchen, where Tristan and Miguel were helping each other make pancakes.

"How many do you want y/n?" Tristan asks me.
"Oh I'll just have two thanks." Me and Bay start talking whilst she's getting all of the toppings out and placing them on the counter to choose from.
Miguel passes me a plate with two homemade pancakes on it.

"Thanks," I say. I put the toppings on my pancakes. (You choose what toppings you add). We all talk, I don't speak to Miguel as much, as I'm still mad at him for everything he said to me in the past, and he probably is still mad at me to. I still haven't gotten to apologising to him yet. Nor forgiving him.

"Do you guys have anything planned for today?" Bay asks the three of us.

"Well, the premier is tomorrow so I might prepare myself for that, other than that I'm probably just gonna chill all day." I say.

"Same here." Miguel says.
"Me to." Says Tristan.

Guess we've all got the same plans then. I finish my pancakes and put the dish away, and as if perfectly on queue, someone knocks on the hotel door.

"I'll get it." I say, walking to the front door to see a mail man.

"Hi um, y/n y/l/n?" He says shyly.
"Yes that's me." I say.
"Your package." He passes it to me. Just in time, my dress for tomorrow has arrived.
"And can I get maybe Miguel's autogra-"
"No, he's busy." I smile and close the door in his face. I do feel a bit bad but it felt good.

I walk to the girls bedroom and look at the package. I open it up and smile. The dress looked just how I imagined. The silky blue material between my finger tips. I didn't have the time to try it on now though. There's too much to sort out. I just have to hope that it fits tomorrow or else I'm done for.

Making my way to the bathroom, I put my dress on a hanger and hang it up on the shower curtain, where the other girls dresses were.


I sit on the living room couch beside Bay, and she pulls out her laptop. We both sort out the make-up team, hair stylists and more to get us ready tomorrow. We book the slots and tell them to just come to the hotel tomorrow morning.

Eventually after booking and paying for everything, Miguel and Tristan walked into the living room. I stare at their faces in depth.

Miguel looks nervous. But Tristan looks absolutely overjoyed. Miguel was now wearing a brown hoodie with the hood up, and a cap underneath, with a pair of black shorts. And Tristan was wearing a mint green t-shirt with jeans.

Why did Miguel look so nervous? What did Tristan talk to him about. I sigh and ignore it.

"So, what do you guys wanna watch?" Bay asks, turning around.

"Anything I don't mind." Miguel says.
"Yeah same." Tristan says.

"Y/n?" Bay turns to me.
"Uh... Manifest?" I ask, looking at all of them to make sure they were alright with it. They all nod and she turns it on.


The whole day the four of us binged Manifest until the end. I ended up crying and Tristan had to get me tissues, because he was crying to. Miguel just laughed at us and Bay giggled.

Eventually, everyone got back and they all ran into the living room.

"Can we just get some pizza tonight? None of us can be bothered to cook." Brady R asks.


The pizza guy delivers our pizza and we all just watch movie galore. At least four different movies within a few hours. I yawn. My head slowly tilts back and someone places their hand behind it, before my head tilts back so far that I break my neck.

I recognised that warm hand from the car on the way home from filming. It was Miguel. I can't help but smile a little bit and I lift up my head again.

"You should go to bed y/n." Miguel says to me.

"I think all of us should go, the premier is tomorrow and we don't wanna be yawning on the red carpet. Imagine our faces in the photos." We all laugh after Madeleines comment and we all head off to our beds.


"You excited for your first red carpet?" Bay asks.
"I'm really nervous, but I know you guys are gonna be there with me, so I know I'm gonna be fine." I smile as I speak and look at all of the girls in front of me.
"Your so right!" Reagan gives me a fist bump, and we all get into bed.

Tomorrow is a massive event. People are going to know who I am, all around the world, properly now, not just from the casts stories or posts. For real. People are going to interview me. Possibly ask for my photos. I am getting a bit excited but I shouldn't over excite myself. I close my eyes, promising myself a good night sleep.

I apologise that this chapter is so sloppy and boring, I promise the next few chapters are going to be amazing, and Miguel fans are gonna go beserk!

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