Part 19.

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I wake up early, so the birthday surprise can actually work out. My footsteps are quiet, walking to the bathroom.
I do my skincare, hair and make up before putting on an outfit. Leaving the room, I watch Becca and Reagan slowly wake up, I wink and put my finger over my mouth.


Miguel is already in the living room, sitting on the couch. I walk up to him and sit beside him.
"Morning," I say to him, looking forward and leaning back.

"Good morning, nice sleep?" He asks me. It feels so weird to be having a nice, normal conversation with him. I mean we were mortal enemies for months. If I hadn't found him in the bathroom that night none of this would've happened. I'm still adjusting to it.

"Uh, yeah, I had a fairly nice sleep, you?" I ask him, still looking forward as I think to myself.

"Yeah, Spencer is sleeping like a baby though." The boy says. I giggle and nod my head.

"Of course he is, it's Spencer." He turns his head and smiles to me as he speaks. I pat his upper back.

"Ready for the party today? Fans are going to get editing clips galore." We both laugh and he nods his head excitedly.

"I'm so ready, we haven't done something this big for a birthday in ages. Especially for Madeleine. She deserves it." He says.

"Of course she does, honestly she's kept us all together, and if it were for her I probably wouldn't have been talking to you right now." I turn my head fo him at last, making eye contact. He laughs and rolls his eyes, nudging me, and I giggle, folding my arms firmly.

Becca, Tristan, Brady H, Reagan, Bay, Brady R, Jordan, Mason and Jacob walk into the room.

"Where's Spencer?" I ask them, looking at everyone.

"He won't get up, he slept like a log last night." Tristan says, looking at me and Miguel.

"So, what's going on guys?" Brady H asks us.

"Oh, nothing? We've just been sitting and talking for a few minutes." I reply.

"What she said." Miguel says, he looks at Brady H, and my phone buzzes.

1 Message.
Mum ❤️

I type in my password and open messages.

Mum ❤️

Hello Sweetheart! Everything going alright?

Hi mum! Yes, everything is going amazingly, the rest of the premier was such a joy. Just a few days of filming left! I'm really sorry I can't make it for christmas. I promise that I'll come visit at new years!

Don't worry about that honey, it's not your fault. What're you up to today?

Oh, it's Madeleine's birthday today, so we're all in the living room right now waiting for her to come out the bedroom!

😂 x Well I hope you guys have an enjoyable party, send me photos!

Don't worry mumma, I definitely will!

Oh, and tell that Miguel boy I said hi. Xx

Yes, I will.🙄😂xx
Read 10:31am


I take my eyes off my phone, smiling about what my mum had said. Mother always knows. I sigh softly and turn my head to Miguel and Brady H, both of them engulfed in their conversation. I nudge Miguel in the back gently.

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