Part 7.

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I'm sat on the couch, waiting patiently for everyone to get back from mini golf. It's silent. Too silent for my liking. I haven't been in a place this silent since before I got on the plane to America. I decide to call my mum, she's been texting me recently and I've never really had the time to reply to her, she must be worried sick half of the time because of me.

I pick up my phone and go onto FaceTime. I then click 'Mum ❤️' and it starts ringing. After exactly 4 rings my mum picks up.

"Hi sweetheart!" She says.
"Hi mum!" I reply.
"How's my little star?"
"I'm great! The cast is so kind and I'm having so much fun filming. The premier is next week, will you be there?"
"It looks like we have enough money for all of us to come over for the premiere, so yes, I'll be able to make it."
"Are you handling yourself alright?"
"Yep, we take turns in cooking every night, except for Brady R, he's rubbish at cooking..."

My mum laughs. It feels good to hear her laugh again after not hearing it for ages. It feels great even just to hear her voice for once. I then hear a voice coming from my phone, a small, high pitch child's voice. Elsie.

"Y/n! Y/n y/n y/n!" I hear my sister shouting behind my mum. I start laughing.
"Hi Elsie." I say, my mum smiles and points the phone to my sister.
"Are you being good for mum?"
"Yesss!" She says cheerfully. "Are you famous?" She says, her tone changing to a curious, high pitch tone.
"I guess you could say that?" I giggle.

My mum speaks up.
"I'm so sorry y/n darling but we have to go. It's parents evening for your older brother tonight and I've got to be there."
I smile. "Alright then, you be good Elsie, I love you!" Elsie blows a kiss to the screen and I blow one back. She giggles.

"Love you sweetheart."
"Love you mum, bye!"

Call ended.

It feels so good to know that my family are alright. I love hearing their voice again and being able to talk to them. I'd like to do that more often.

The front door opens to the hotel and everyone walks back in, the silence of the room broken by everyone talking and laughing at each other. They all walk into the living room, I immediately give them all a big smile.

"So, who won?" I ask.

"Miguel, but only by one!!" Jordan says.

"And who lost,?" I reply.

"Tristan-" Maddie says.

"Of course he did." I roll my eyes and laugh a bit, giving Tristan a look that said 'I'm only joking' and he gives a look back as if to say 'I know'.
I turn my head to Miguel.

"Good on you Miguel." I try to say as nicely as possible, taking Reagan words into account and thinking of The Black Phone fandom as I speak. Miguel nods and I watch a s everyone raises their eyebrows.

"Did y/n really just talk to Miguel without shouting at him?!" Bay says.

"I think so..." Mason says, his jaw basically on the floor.

"What? Snap out of it guys." I stare at them, everyone's eyes were on me.

"Right-" Maddie says, everyone sitting down.

"Oh girls, could you actually help me with something? I can't make my mind up about something on my laptop." I turn to them. They all nod and I lead them to the kitchen, I sit down in front of my laptop and show them the dresses.

"Which one should I wear for the premier next week?" I ask them, they all stare at the laptop screen and I wait for an answer from any of them.

"They all look really good... but I think that one would look absolutely spectacular on you y/n!" Madeleine points at a dress. She pointed at the navy blue satin scoop long dress, with a cut in the side that shows the right leg.

"I agree, y/n you would take everyone's breath away in that dress, it would be an amazing first impression on the audience!" Becca says

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"I agree, y/n you would take everyone's breath away in that dress, it would be an amazing first impression on the audience!" Becca says.

"I agree!" Bay and Reagan say, almost as if they were in sync.

"It would mainly take Miguel's breath away." Maddie winks and nudges me. I nudge her back, but harder.

"Oh shut up Maddie, I don't like him, he doesn't like me, and that's final!" Everyone bursts out laughing.

"Okay okay, whatever you say ma'am." Maddie says.
After talking about the premier, hairstyles and dresses, I take the other dresses out of the cart and I purchase the dress.
"It should be here by Tuesday, so two days, that's just on time." I smile and turn to the girls.
"Perfect." Maddie says.

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