Part 4.

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My eyes slowly open, Masons head rested on mine. Me and Mason are really close friends, and we have been since we first met the night before we started shooting together.
I rub my eyes to hear two phones notifications going absolute crazy. I thought that this was perfectly normal for everyone, as they are already famous. Whereas me? I've never been in a movie before, so my phone was always rather quiet. But my notifications have been on mute for a while anyways.

Mason slowly lifts his head and turns to me.

"Oh crap, sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep like that..." He says quietly.

"It's fine, as long as you had a good sleep." I smile and look around. "Should we get everyone up? We're all shooting today." Mason nods his head and we stand up. We awake everyone. Madeleine and Becca switch off their phones to stop the annoyance of the several notifications every millisecond, and we all get ready.

Everyone takes the cars to their separate sets and my scene was with Madeleine and Mason today, so we all got a car to the café set.


After an hour or so of filming Madeleine and Mason have a scene together, so I'm on break for now. I go into the changing room and decide to go live, just to check up on my friends, the only people who follow my account.
I sit at a table and put my phone on it, not realising the amount of notifications I have. And I press live. I watch the views go up. '1..2...3...4...5..." that's how many followers I remember having.
"Hey guys how are y-!" '6...7...8...9...10' I watch the views go up intensely.

'100...101...102' ... '1.0K... 1.1K'
"Why're so many people here?..."

I decide to read the comments.

(fuzzy..wuzzy): Where's Miguel?
(masons...l4ve): How do you know the cast?
( Are you in the new black phone movie?!
(theblackp.): Follow me please!
(maddies..l0v): Can we see Mason and Madeleine?!

What... how do all of these people know that I'm friends with the cast...

"Uh, sorry guys I don't know what your talking about, I have no interaction with the cast..."

(theblackp.): What about your recent post?... And Maddy's and Becca's?
(livetbp): Liess lol
(robinsamorrr): So your recent post just doesn't exist then?
(fuzzy..wuzzy): Can we pleasee see the cast?!

"Wait..." I pause the live and look at my post.
"Oh crap! We weren't even thinking straight and just posted the photos last night! Now everyone knows that I'm in the new movie!"

Likes: 856,627
Comments: 23,432
Views: 2.4M

How am I gonna tell everyone about this? Should I keep it a secret? Is it my fault?!

I click back onto the live and look at the views. People have sent multiple gifts to.

Views: 86.7K

"U-uh... guys I'm gonna go..." I quickly end the live and just in time, the director calls me in to shoot my next scene. I take a deep breath and walk into the set.

Maddie and Mason smile at me, them completely clueless about everything going around Instagram and Tiktok.


We all finish shooting and get into the car after a long day of filming. I sit on the left, Maddie in the middle and Mason on the right. Gulping, I gather up the courage to tell them.

"Uhm... guys..."

"Yeah?" They both say, exactly at the same time.

"You know the photos that we posted last night?..." As if Madeleine already knew form that first sentence, her eyes widen, her eyebrows dropping.

"We posted them! Without realising! Oh crap Mason what do we do?!"

Mason signs softly. "We can't really do a lot about it, so I say that we just leave it as it is... it's not like y/n will get into any trouble, it's not her fault. We're gonna have to deal with it until the premiere happens and the trailer is out."

Mason was right. We can't go back anymore, there's not anyway out of this, we just have to wait it out. At least none of them are mad at me, and they're not blaming me either.


Everyone arrives at the hotel and we all get ready to go to sleep. We all had a long day of filming and just wanted to go to sleep. It's just a week until the trailer comes out, me and Miguel are still fighting, no doubt we'll become friends anytime soon, I just wanted to get a good nights sleep.

Everyone says goodnight and we leave to our separate beds, falling asleep for the night.

Apologies that this chapter is so short, I hope you guys are liking this story so far! Don't forget to vote if you want more ❤️

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