Part 27.

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Miguel follows me up the stairs and we walk into my bedroom.



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"Nice room," He says, looking at his surroundings. I nod my head and turn my head to him. He was now gazing at me again. God, can he ever take his eyes off me? I try not to giggle.

"So, you can either stay in here or go into the guest room? It's pretty much the same size as my room but way less decoration... just a few drawers, bed and an ensuite..." Waiting for an answer, I sit on my bed and fold my arms.

"Uhh, is it okay if I sleep in here? I don't mind sleeping on the floor! You just make the other room sound really boring... no offence." He laughs and I begin to laugh with him.

"Yeah sorry, I did make it sound rather boring didn't I." I giggle and nod.
"It's fine, you don't have to sleep on the floor, just sleep on the very edge of the bed just in case my brother barges in." We both giggle and he nods his head.

God his smile is so gorgeous. And his laugh. I get butterflies every time I hear it.

My mum knocks on the bedroom door.

"Your bags are outside the door! I'll be downstairs making dinner!"
"Okay mum, thank you, love you!" I shout. I hear her go downstairs. Miguel begins chuckling from behind me.

"You and your mum have such an amazing bond, it's so admirable." He grins and I turn my head to him, raising an eyebrow and giggling quietly.

"Oh shut up, I've seen your photos with your mumma! You guys look like the amazing mother and son duo." He chuckles and folds his arms. I open my bedroom door and we both take our stuff into the room.

"Just put your stuff anywhere, it doesn't matter." I grin. He nods and begins unpacking his things, so do I.

It feels so great to be back at home. My room was so silent but it sure was home. I'm so excited to sleep in my own bed tonight. But still not on my own.

I sit on my knees when all of a sudden the twins throw the door open. Mine and Miguel's head's immediately turn to the door, but before I knew it Nathan and Elsie jumped on me, causing me to land on my back. Miguel bursts out laughing behind me.

"Okay Barbies with me!"
"No, play cars with me!!" They both say over each other.
"I can't play with both of you at once." I sit up, giggling. Elsie wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me. She always does this to get peoples attention.
"Pleaseeee?" She says in a high pitched voice.

Miguel's pov
I watch as the twins fight over y/n's attention. Elsie wanted to play Barbies, whereas Nathan was pleading for her to play with his cars with him. She's so adorable, y/n. God I'm so excited for the next three days. Just me and y/n. And her family, at times.
She's so gorgeous, I'd love waking up to her face every morning. And she's so amazing and respectful towards her family. Watching her playing with the twins causes me to blush, gives me a funny feeling in my stomach.
What would I do without her?

Y/n's pov
The twins continue to argue over me. Miguel crawls up behind me and peeks over my shoulder.
"How about, y/n play Barbies with Elsie, and I play cars with Nathan?" He says. Gosh, I love this boy. Why's he got to be so amazing at resolving things? And he's so fabulous with the twins. He thriving first impressions. I love him so much.

"Yes!!" Nathan runs to Miguel and hugs his neck, Miguel chuckles and hugs Nathan back. His dark eyes look at the floor whilst he laughs. I find myself gazing at him. Gosh, why have I got to be so in love with this boy. The twins love him so much. But nobody could love him more than me. His smile is so gorgeous, he's so pretty, and his laugh, god his laugh. Don't get me started.

"Follow me!!" Nathan stands up and takes Miguel's pointer finger. Miguel raises his eyebrows, standing up and looking at me. I give him a nod of approval, Nathan was gonna take him to his and Elsie's room.


I watch Miguel and Nathan walk off into the twins room, and I follow them on. Nathan runs to the toy box.

"Wow, this is your room?" Miguel says in a shocking voice. He looks around and crouches down, placing his elbow on his left knee.

"Yeah! It's cool isn't it!" Nathan says excitedly. It's nice to see him with a new friend.

"So cool," Miguel chuckles and sits down, crossing his legs.

"Look at my cars!" Nathan takes them out the box and puts them on the floor in front of Miguel. 23 total.

"Wow, they're so awesome! Which ones can I use?" Miguel asks.

"Any but the red one! Red's my favourite."
"Dang it, reds my favourite colour." Miguel chuckles.
Nathan never gives his red car to anyone, not even me. Not even his sister. No one. He's practically attached to this car. I see a bit of hesitation whilst he puts his hand out.

"You can have the red car.. just you.. take care of it!" Nathan says. Elsie's small mount falls open and me and her turn to each other. We both know how much Nathan loves that car. Even though Elsie is barely 5 years old she knew how rare this moment was. Nathan must really love Miguel.

"Oh yes, I will." Miguel makes a serious face and salutes to Nathan, whilst a giggle comes out of Nathan's mouth.


Elsie gets her Barbies out of the box and walks to me, flopping on the floor in front of me.

"Look! I got a Malibu barbie when you were gone!!" Elsie holds it up proudly, it was as if she had won a trophy and she was presenting it to me.

"Wow! She's so gorgeous!" I say.

Miguel's pov
"Wow! She's so gorgeous!" Y/n says. She's so kind to her siblings. She's so patient. I watch as y/n lays on her stomach and begins playing dolls with her younger sister. A smile widens on my face when I turn back to Nathan, continuing to play cars with him.

Y/n's pov
We all play with each other individually until we hear a voice from downstairs.

"Kids! Dinner's ready!" Great. Dinner. Now, how tense is this dinner going to be with John there? This is gonna be a nightmare. Guess I'll have to find out myself.

Don't forget to vote! I really hope you guys enjoyed this wholesome chapter! ❤️

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