Part 18.

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We arrived home and just decided to order some Chinese from the shop down the road. We mainly wanted to get Madeleine out of the way so we could set up everything.

"Guys, I'm gonna go eat in my room and go straight to sleep, alright?" She looks at all of us.

"Yep, night Madeleine!" I smile at her and wave goodnight. None of us have mentioned her birthday all week, because we wanted her to think we forgot it, we are going to make up for it obviously.


The second we heard the girls bedroom door close, everyone leaps up from their seats and runs to the cupboards. I grab the speakers from the larger cupboard and drag them to the living room. I set them up in front of the massive christmas tree.

Mason helps me, as he knew how to set up the speakers better than me. Becca, Spencer, Jordan and Miguel start hanging things up, whilst Bay, Tristan and both Brady's were sorting out food and lighting.

Me and Mason finish with the speakers, and we turn on the purple lighting, with a rainbow disco ball spinning around, the room lit up.


We blow up balloons for what felt like hours. I was so out of breath.

I place my hand on my chest, I can literally feel my heart pounding. Me and Becca scatter the balloons all over the living room floor, Miguel and Brady R tape some to the walls.

We also set up a massive archway made of balloons and we put it in front of the speakers.


Out of breath, we all stand in front of the decorated hotel room. I put my hands on my hips, out of breath. I saw Mason raise his hand out of the corner of my eye, and I give him a high five.


Now, we head to bed, and wait.

(Sorry this is a short chapter, I just didn't want the party and the decorating in one chapter! Don't forget to vote, or comment and give me chapter suggestions! ❤️)

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