Part 32.

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(I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating recently! I've been caught up with all the stress on school and all that, but now that term is almost over I'm gonna be updating more! Enjoy, and thank you for 13,000 reads, I can't believe it 🤍)

"Hello you," My mother's voice beams from around the corner in the kitchen. My head peeps in and I giggle softly.

"How'd you know it was me?" As I speak I slowly walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter.

"Do you not think I don't know my own daughter?" We both laugh a bit and I watch my mum trying to make everyone's breakfast. My feet shuffle towards the counter and I pick up a bowl, beginning to mix it up for her. She turns to me, her eyes lighting up. The poor woman clearly hasn't had much help in awhile. A giggle comes out of my mouth and I eventually speak up.

"What's that look for?" I pretend to act completely clueless.

"Oh, nothing..." Her head turns and looks down as she chops up the fruits. But I can clearly see that smile she's hiding behind her hair. At least I'll have my real best friend, my mum.
We make breakfast in silence for a couple of minutes, when my mum speaks up.

"So... are you gonna explain to me why you came in last night basically sobbing your eyes out? Miguel looked really worried about you and I feel just the same as him." She says. My head lowers and my hands lower.

"She uh... let's just say she tried to use me for my fame... and my boyfriend..." I hold back the tears, continuing to make breakfast. My mum takes a few seconds to realise.

"Oh sweetheart..." Her tone lowers worriedly with sorrow. She walks toward me and wraps her warm arms around me, hugging me and holding the back of my head. Tears begin to face down my cheeks.

"I've known her for so long... how could she..." Sobs come from me.

"Honey, you know Miguel would never choose anyone over you anyway... beside, you've got your family..." She lifts my chin and I smile slightly.


Mum continues to hug me for a while before we continue to make breakfast.

"Oh, Miguel and John seem to be getting along." My head turns to my mum, a grin on both our faces.

"Oh,?" Her grin seems to go wider.

"Whose getting along?" A husky voice speaks from behind me, and a pair of arms slither around my waist, digging their head into my shoulder.

I laugh.

"Good morning amor." I say. I feel his lips widen against my shoulder, my mum giggles and begins to set out the table. She leaves the room to put everything out. I turn around to Miguel, and he holds my waist.

"I really miss everyone Mikey... I really do..." His eyes seem to darken as I speak. But I spot him holding back a smile.

"Actually... you may get to see them earlier than expected..." He says. My eyebrow raises.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"You'll find out eventually..." He leaves the room without either of us saying a word, and he helps my mother. What did he mean by that? A sigh comes out of my mouth and my head turns to the staircase, the twins running down it.
Nathan didn't have a shirt on and Elsie's hair was everywhere. They laughed as John chased them down the stairs and into the living room. He had a small shirt and hairbrush in his hand. The twins high pitched laughs filled the house.

A smirk appears on my face and I begin to run into the living room. I grab the shirt from John's hand. God this boy is so slow. I pick up the pace and bend down slightly as I run, putting my hands out and sliding them beneath Nathan's arms, lifting him up whilst he screams and laughs.

I blow raspberries into his stomach, tackling him and sliding his shirt onto him.

"aww..." Nathan whines. Looking downward.

"Well your not going to go about the day without a shirt on are you?" I tilt my head, putting him down with my hands on my hips.

"I could!"
"Mm... nah." I giggle and he does the same. My head turns to Miguel at the doorway, leaning against it. He had a hairbrush in his hand, and Elsie in his other arm, her hair perfectly brushed. Wow...

I turn to John, winking at him and smirking.

"Nice try though..." I giggle and he rolls his eyes, chuckling. We all walk to the dining room and sit down to eat our large breakfast.

Time skip: 10:40pm

Miguel sits beside me on my bed. We'd just put the twins to bed. I rest my elbows on my knees and scroll through my phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Miguel's face to my left, just watching my face.

I turn my head to him. He had a small smile on his face, his eyes lit up. He looked so interested and in love. God.

"What?" I raise my right eyebrow and he slowly shakes his head, still looking at me mesmerisingly.

"Nothing... your just so spectacular... in every way you could be..." He says. This boy is so corny and soft sometimes. I giggle. I lean in for a kiss. He does to. But I lean back.

"Mm... nah." I laugh and he looks at me, his mouth dropping open. My eyes roll and I burst out laughing, landing on my back. He tackles me down and records me.

"So, y/n won't show her affection to me guys, cancel her!!" He says jokingly. He sounded like a child. I burst out laughing, trying to get out of his tackle. Eventually I make my way out of it and kiss him in the cheek.

"Is that all I get?" He looks at me.
"Yup!" A giggle comes out my mouth and he frowns.

I lay down and switch the led's off. I lift my knees to my chest and lay on my side. A pair of arms wrap around me from behind and I feel his body against mine from behind me. Oh so we're spooning now? My face goes slightly hot and it lowers. My eyes close and I try to ignore it. I love this boy so much. And if it weren't for our friends I wouldn't have been with him right now, we would've always been mortal enemies. The most unexpected things happen.

My eyes slowly go dry and I fall asleep.

I apologise this chapter is short, I'm brain storming for the next chapter, and I have plenty of ideas coming up! Don't forget to vote and give me chapter suggestions! And thanks so much for the love! ❤️

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